Best explanation I've heard on WHY current immigration laws are not working.
Best explanation I've heard on WHY current immigration laws are not working.
That's BS. Leave them where they are or send them back where they came from.
Refugees! The thing most disturbing about that is, when things are cleared up where they come from, they never go back, now that's a fucked up system.
They help win the Revolutionary, they can help with ending this invasion we are in now.
Support your local militias as much as you can!
They don't fucking matter when patriots stand as a force, just like those assholes that are standing right now against POTUS.
They count on the bleeding libturded hearts out there to prevent patriots from standing up so they can kill the country first.
It's time to take this nation back.
Time to stand and fight for what's right and good.
Time to force the evil out, and bring this constitutional republic back to where it is suppose to be.
Inaction for too long has made this country weak!
YOU people ARE stupid!
TO fucking stupid to realize government bureaucracy will let in all 1200 of those people due to bad laws, slow moving, and the inept ability of border patrol to do their fucking job.
If it takes violence to preserve this country, then it fucking takes violence to do it!
If you all can't see that, then think about how US was born, assholes!
So, Grandpa, your saying you sat on your ass and didn't do anything really heroic? Just typed and made stupid pics to spread on the internet? Where's the heroism in that?
How embarrassing.