Wanna talk to my brothers. My fellow Anons, I previously posted on here before that I was having trouble red pilling my family. Well I have some great news. They are slowly ingesting the pill and thanks to some of these Qproofs, it is accelerating. Now they fully believe in Q. Well most of them anyways. I’m American Mexican and of course I have those family members that go “mi raza” and blah blah. Now I would like any ideas on how I can be of use to this movement. I understand that this is information warfare and I serve as a vessel to keep my peeps informed and avoid fear. But for some reason I feel like I need to be in the front lines looking in these tunnels and stopping these cartels. I am self employed and I have had work all up to two days ago where I have been finding things to keep me busy around the house but you can only wash dishes so many times kek. (I don’t wash dishes). What else can I do to be of service? Before you can say “lurk more”, I don’t have the same skills that some of you autist have. I’m not to good at researching. Ideas?
I signed up with Qmap to translate but he had already found someone. Any ideas of where else someone may need my services?
I can copy and paste. Kek