Trump: "You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center"
>1. Elephant Man disease
Expanding on your theory:
Keep in mind dark truths coming to light.
Operation Paperclip brought German Nazi scientists to the U.S. after WWII
Possibilities other than yours:
Eugenics, Cloning, Hybrid (animal genetic splicing), experimentation..
Homeless people (outcasts)
There are many possible answers.
Armor of god.
>What if the Nazis knew how to fix aspects of aging in Humans?
Possible, moar likely they just used nasty shit on people to make a lot of money in pharma.
>What if some of them are still around today?
There are some around, not likely the same ones though.
>Occam's Razor
Yes mentioned it a few times today also. Part of why included the homeless.
Certainly could be moar, but the people they were treating first were non ChyNah Virus so most likely victims of moar mundane things.
Being emotional on the internet is a lot like being drunk and shitposting
Always taken that as Signed by 4, 10, 20 (crumb numbered 35)
Others are all signed by Q
>worthless fuck
No amount of logic will ever sway this freak.
It is like a broken robot.
All it can say is "I can't let you do that Dave"
>doesn't bother doc either
It was interesting to watch for awhile…gets old quick.
Has a tendency to Ready, FIRE, Aim also
>there was a time when he could disrupt the board, did in fact, had a fren but no more
Anon recalls..ignored for a very long time
>shit happens
Most anons roll with it.
Calling it for tonight got chores for tomorrow.
Godspeed and a good night shift