Anonymous ID: 204e7e April 4, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.8682296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8682029 pb

one thing i've learned fren in the last 5.5-ish months since the new "year" is that co-incidences are literally co-incidences.

"astronomical" odds of some things and happenings doesn't even do it justice.

more like 5d sideways 8 hyperspace odds.




might as well just kick the shit over and bring back South Harmon Institute of Technology.


ps we can keep letting future past be present, actually more "entertaining" than eye thought it may be.

frequency of light : speed of


eye still see the tags mirrors flips substitutes and the like.


it's when innocent women children and dogs are being used/taken advantage of/TRAFFICKED/or anything else bad that makes the inner zombie lion start getting pissed off.


Tesla, 343 Firemen, victims of that day, (and the following worldwide devastation since) officers & operators in harms way, OUR Military & Armed Forces; i still have your back.


the real POTUS, Military & their families are about all ill listen to at this stage.

Thank you for your service to Our Great Nation Frens.


Never Forgotten.


also apologies for being such a sack of shit lately and when things come to LIGHT, but getting everyone to look in the same place has never been so easy.


like watching the wagons circle their own wagons.


also apologies if this is offensive to some and / or their beliefs and the whole "witch" "hunt" but not all "witches" are bad.


hillary still no bueno though, don't get to glossy there.

Anonymous ID: 204e7e April 4, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.8682312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355



LISTEN to what He says Here.

really LISTEN.


fellow time / "space" travelers / future passed past, eye am not trying to let too many secrets out still but it seems some may be necessary to "speed" things up a bit. again.