Anonymous ID: 2c4d72 April 4, 2020, 3:28 a.m. No.8682774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2797

What happened to the vape-related illnesses?..


CDC deja vu all over again. you will see a lot of patterns with China Virus , the CDC, WHO and  media's roll in causing panic. 


i have included the  CDC's revised vaping guidance link, and a review of that study that shows they suppressed information and failed to include other info.  


Vaping was a hot topic in the media for the greater part of 2019. The "Youth Vaping Epidemic" created mass hysteria and did a number on the vaping industry. The coverage on vaping has since died down, but the main question is: What happened?


The CDC's Shift From Vaping to COVID-19 Highlights the Crucial Differences Between Real and Metaphorical Epidemics


The agency's scaremongering about e-cigarettes undermined its credibility on the eve of a true public health crisis.


JACOB SULLUM | 3.16.2020 2:40 PM


By fostering confusion about the relative hazards of smoking and vaping, the CDC damaged its credibility on the eve of a public health crisis in which policy makers and the rest of us are expected to rely on its expertise.


Only belatedly did the CDC recalibrate its guidance to focus on the potential hazards of "THC-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products, particularly from informal sources like friends, family, or in-person or online dealers." It also foregrounded a warning that "adults using nicotine-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products as an alternative to cigarettes should not go back to smoking"—advice that surely is equally sound for teenagers who are vaping rather than smoking.


We have to hope that the CDC's COVID-19 recommendations are more scientifically grounded than its initial scaremongering about e-cigarettes. I assume they are. But when public health agencies stray beyond their central mission and allow moral panics to affect their advice, they undermine the public trust that is vital at a time like this.


The CDC is Failing to Disclose Important Data About Teen Vaping


The post by Dr. Siegel started by pointing out that by suppressing information about the number one cause of severe, vape-related harm to youths, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is deceiving the public into “thinking that e-cigarettes are at the top of the list,” a fact which is untrue.


The public health expert went on to explain, that for three consecutive years (2016-2018), the CDC’s National Youth Tobacco Survey (NTYS) has indicated that the overwhelming majority of youths who were heavy e-cigarette vapers (use on 20 or more days per month) were also vaping marijuana. However, he added, in all three years, the CDC has failed to report this detail.


Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products

Anonymous ID: 2c4d72 April 4, 2020, 3:52 a.m. No.8682836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can't believe anons were able to obliterate the website with backdated Q posts (though an anon found it was registered fairly recently) with alien hybrid european nobility chicks the same day it surfaced, (it was glorious!) but fucking austin , the 80s sitcom wacky neighbor template come to life, is still being pushed.

you put a lot of effort into euro-nibiru , and money. you had story lines all worked out kek