Anonymous ID: 5d73fc April 4, 2020, 3:38 a.m. No.8682799   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The military must balance national security risks with the

health of its troops

11 hours ago


"With the services on track to report more than 1,000 cases of COVID-19 by the end of the week, military senior leadership is looking at a tough choice.


They can ramp down some missions in an attempt to stem the spread of coronavirus throughout the ranks and sacrifice both short- and long-term readiness.


Or, they can push ahead knowing that it could take longer for the infection rate to peter out ― and possibly cost more lives ― but having preserved national security to the fullest extent possible.


Those questions are part of the ongoing discussions at the highest levels of the Defense Department, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told Military Times on Friday.


“[There] seems to be this belief that the best way for the Department of Defense to defeat COVID-19 is for us to stand down and stop operations around the world,” Hoffman said. “One, that’s not going to happen. Two, we don’t believe that’s necessary.”


The services have scaled back on some operations, including large international exercises like Defender 2020 Operation African Lion, as well as temporarily freezing boot camp for the Navy and Marine Corps.


U.S. Forces Korea has been held up as the example for slowing the infection rate, after its commander, Army Gen. Robert Abrams, put in strong social distancing restrictions early on, including screenings of all personnel coming onto installations.


But those policies did not stop operations altogether, Hoffman said."