Anonymous ID: 7d328b April 4, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.8682445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2501



You have to remember that the capitalism that we actually have

Is not the capitalism of theory.

Because the markets are all rigged

By the Cult of Con Artists

The banking system is all controlled

By the Cult of Con Artists

And even the pool of money invested by Venture Capitalists

Has come under the control of the Cult of Con Artists.


It is entirely possible, that the very idea of the large corporation

Is only sustainable when the system is rigged

By organized crime

Who use violence and threats of violence

To control economic behavior

Instead of market signaling


So, yes, it is entirely possibly that what we call capitalism

Will be swept aside by COVID

And a new and more fair system will replace it.

Socialism was supposed to be that system

But it too, was infiltrated and perverted by the Cult of Con Artists.


So, I think it is best to avoid the old terms

Because they just lead to DIVISION and STRIFE

It is better to talk about substantial things

Like Trump's hammering

Of Medical Insurance companies not being allowed to consider pre-conditions when selling insurance.


This is sorta like socialism

In that everyone can get healthcare

But it is sorta like capitalism

In that there are MARKET FORCES that provide oversight

And take away business from providers who are incompetent or corrupt.

Countries that follow the socialist model of state healthcare

Also have real difficulty doing oversight

And have systems that are bloated, incompetent and corrupt.

The only reason they haven't totally collapsed

Is that no country is big enough

But what if the EU went to a Union-wide healthcare system?

What if the next Dem government of the USA goes to national healthcare?


Canada is an interesting case

It is often promoted as a shining example of how socialised healthcare provides the best care.

But, in Canada each province runs an independent healthcare system

So, the biggest system serves only 14.5 million in Ontario

Who recently voted Conservative

My experience in a province of 5 million

Is that the healthcare system has many inefficiencies

And many problems that government cannot solve


Government could do far more by ensuring that market mechanisms

And banking, insurance, financial businesses

Are fair and transparent


Then many other things like Healthcare

Could fix themselves.

Anonymous ID: 7d328b April 4, 2020, 1:47 a.m. No.8682475   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not much really. Because it will be long after the trials and convictions for treason, sedition, corruption, massive RICO financial crimes.

By that time we will all know they were crooked evil people and one more detail will be ignored by most people.

Anonymous ID: 7d328b April 4, 2020, 1:51 a.m. No.8682490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2516




Watch this video

This is what they are TRAINING to do

Will they invade Venezuela?

Or just take out KEY Cartel targets and infrastructure in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, and wherever else their supply chain runs?

Anonymous ID: 7d328b April 4, 2020, 1:59 a.m. No.8682520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2654 >>2664



This stupid Fauci slide is for morons and shills


We all know that people like Fauci and Birx were under blackmail by the DeepState.

We also know that

Patriots Are Now In Control

Because the blackmail chains have been broken

And Trump has handed out roles to play in his movie script


When Fauci said there would be a surprise outbreak

He was still under blackmail control

But now he is free, and is playing the role that he agreed with the Trump team

And the Trump team knows that people want

And need


In order to pay attention.

So now Trump's show is the main attraction

MSM is fading because we know they are a bunch of stupid actors

Who know nothing and are just spouting the DS party line

Now that we have learned of the undiscovered stars

Who are real people doing real jobs

Who talk to us straight

Who have quirks and personality

Because they are REAL!!!

We watch Trump's team instead of MSM

He doesn't need to arrest them to destroy them

MSM is going down because we are ignoring them

And one day, some of them will get a knock on the door from Barr's people

And no-one will care because those MSM talking heads

Just are NOT important any more

Death by a thousand cuts

Fauci will retire in peace.

He may even get a Presidential medal.

Anonymous ID: 7d328b April 4, 2020, 2:05 a.m. No.8682538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q's drops are full of keys

Those who take them literally are misled

Sometimes they purposely state false things

Because when an Anon digs into the false info

They unlock truths, sometimes seemingly at random

When Google's algorithm shows seemingly unconnected sites


Follow the keys

Use logic

Think critically

Try to disprove your theory first