Crying CNN reporter…
Crying CNN reporter…
Moar ded Kennedys?
rich people chasing a ball miles into the sea…
these people really do think we're stupid.
they hate you
>Like him or not he's provided effifcient ways to red pill the left and normies. JFK is a great place to start to get normies thinking…
Limited Hangout.
Fuck JFK. Not really, but…
That shit is old news.
He's distracting from what's going on now.
Pay attention…
Lots of winks…
even the cannibal song at the end…
What's the new WWE commercial about? Something BIG coming this weekend?
No, I'm talking about fuck JFK as a theme to get distracted on by limitedhangoutshills.
Read my post again before you open your mouth, faggot.
Israelis just want to argue and have gay sex and wear hair putty.
sure, but until there's the first wave, I suggest staying relevant. There will be time to revisit the past.