Anonymous ID: b30202 April 4, 2020, 1:31 a.m. No.8682414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2493 >>2685 >>2856 >>2965 >>2993

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Anonymous ID: b30202 April 4, 2020, 1:59 a.m. No.8682515   🗄️.is 🔗kun



=Judge Advocate General ( JAG ) 1 =

` They sit over/behind each civilian court

` In Kay Griggs instance they will ensure sensitive data is not let out - such as in the case of divorce.

` My understanding is we really don't have a court system if the military essentially can determine the fate of any case at any time.


The Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG Corps) is the branch or specialty of a military concerned with military justice and military law. Officers serving in a JAG Corps are typically called judge advocates. Only the chief attorney within each branch is referred to as the Judge Advocate General; however, individual JAG Corps officers are colloquially known as JAGs.


Judge Advocates serve primarily as legal advisors to the command to which they are assigned. In this function, they can also serve as the personal legal advisor to their commander. Their advice may cover a wide range of issues dealing with administrative law, government contracting, civilian and military personnel law, law of war and international relations, environmental law, etc. They also serve as prosecutors for the military when conducting courts-martial. In the United States military, they are charged with both the defense and prosecution of military law as provided in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Highly experienced officers of the JAG Corps often serve as military judges in courts-martial and courts of inquiry.


=Military law in the United States=


The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), is the primary legal code through which all internal military justice matters of the United States are governed. The UCMJ applies to all members of the United States Military, including military retirees as well as members of other federal uniformed services (such as NOAA Corps and the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps) when attached to the military. The UCMJ was created by an act of the United States Congress in 1951 in order to establish relatively consistent systems of military justice in all branches of the nation's armed forces. However, in cases involving very minor disciplinary infractions, each service has somewhat differing procedures. Such cases are governed by UCMJ Article 15 and are called non-judicial punishment, Captain's Mast (Navy), or Office Hours (Marines).


In addition to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, personnel are subject to the terms of the Constitution, other federal laws, and individual state laws where applicable (e.g., whenever the service member is in the United States, unless on a military base with exclusive federal jurisdiction). When a violation of the UCMJ occurs, the matter is handled by the command of the service member. When a violation of a federal or state law occurs, the matter may be handled by local, state, or federal authorities.

Anonymous ID: b30202 April 4, 2020, 2 a.m. No.8682522   🗄️.is 🔗kun



=Judge Advocate General ( JAG ) 1 =




The forum through which criminal cases are tried in the United States' armed forces is the court-martial. This term also applies to the panel of military officers selected to serve as the finders of fact or "jury". In other words, they fulfil the role of a civilian jury in trying criminal cases. The Uniform Code of Military Justice outlines three distinct types of courts-martial.

General court-martial


` Jurisdiction over crimes committed by any person, including civilians, covered by military law at the time the crime was committed

` Forum for most serious charges such as sexual assault, drug distribution, or desertion

` Officers detailed to the court are defense counsel, trial counsel (prosecutor) and military judge

` A court martial panel (or "jury") comprises five or more service members, at least one-third of whom are enlisted if requested by an enlisted accused

` Accused service member may request trial by judge alone in lieu of trial by a panel of members, except where the death penalty may be adjudged

` Maximum sentence that a general court-martial can impose is the maximum specified in the specific UCMJ Article (crime) the accused is convicted of, including death


Special court-martial


`Jurisdiction over crimes committed by any person, including civilians, covered by military law at the time the crime was committed

` Forum for intermediate offenses such as battery, assault, larceny (theft), minor drug-related offenses, unauthorized absence, disrespect, disobedience, and similar crimes

` Officers detailed to the court are defense counsel, trial counsel (prosecutor), and military judge

` Special court-martial panel comprises three or more members, at least one third of whom are enlisted if requested by an enlisted accused

` Accused service member may request trial by judge alone in lieu of trial by a panel of members

` Regardless of what crime is charged at a special court-martial, the maximum sentence that can be adjudged is 12 months' confinement, forfeiture of two-thirds pay for 12 months, reduction in rank, bad conduct discharge, and a fine

` A special court-martial cannot dismiss an officer


Summary court-martial


` Jurisdiction over crimes committed by enlisted personnel only

` Forum for minor offenses such as petty theft

` Summary court-martial comprises a single officer whose pay grade should not be below O-3

` Maximum sentence is one month's confinement, forfeiture of two-thirds pay, reduction in rank to E-1

` Summary courts-martial may not adjudge punishments of confinement with hard labor or reduction except the next inferior pay grade for accused who are in the pay grade of E-5 or greater

` Can be refused by the accused, in which case the matter is normally referred to a special court-martial

Anonymous ID: b30202 April 4, 2020, 2:26 a.m. No.8682618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was looking up Pastini yesterday because I'm suspicious of 'Angel Flight'. Free flights for sick children sounds GREAT and is.. but these make for great fronts.


=Pilot whose plane crashed into California home, killing 5, was retired police officer=


` Antonio Pastini, 75, of Gardnerville, Nevada.

` Claimed to be Chicago PD

` Chicago Police Department says NEVER worked for the PD

` Having a badge… sounds like spook territory


The wreckage will eventually be gathered and moved to Arizona, where investigators will then examine the plane’s frame and engine, as well as Pastini’s pilot history and experience, Smith said.


Pastini’s daughter, Julia Ackley, described her father as an experienced pilot who had flown for decades and could operate helicopters as well as small and multi-engine planes, NBC Los Angeles reported. He often flew to Orange County to visit her and her daughter.


Ackley told NBC Los Angeles that the former police officer also owned a sushi restaurant in Nevada and a tree farm in Oregon.


She recalled her last conversation with him, and said Pastini planned to take a granddaughter flying and to see her first softball game.


“I just love him more than anything,” Ackley said.


In November, Pastini also began flying for Angel Flight West, a volunteer organization that arranges flights to and from health care facilities for people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to make the trip.


Josh Olson, the group’s executive director, said that Pastini operated one flight on Jan. 9, flying a patient with a life-threatening disease for treatment to the University of California-Davis.


Editor's Note: On Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019, after this article was published, the Orange County Sheriff's Office announced the pilot of the plane had never worked for the Chicago Police Department. For updated information, please see this article

Anonymous ID: b30202 April 4, 2020, 4:49 a.m. No.8682986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Senior Executive Service members can not be fired by elected officials


This is why Strzok & others still around..


See the page yourself..

Anonymous ID: b30202 April 4, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.8683043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RE: Chemtrails:

ATX has been getting plastered non-stop for years - and Gov Abbot has basically been doing everything else rightfile:///media/proj/p/photos/photos.2019/chemtrails/Chemtrails.2019.0305/20190305_114316.jpg