Anonymous ID: efa371 Lack of interviews with relatives, friends, recovered/recovering patients April 4, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.8684647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lack of interviews with relatives, friends, recovered/recovering patients


One thing that’s puzzling me right now is the lack of media (TV) interviews with relatives, friends, and recovered and recovering or both patients.


What’s the biggest national even in recent memory? 9/11 for me (yes, grandpa here.) Remember the media blitz of witnesses post-9/11? I sure do. There was a non-stop parade of witnesses to the event, its aftermath, and anything and everything related. TV cameras couldn’t wait to get someone who knew someone who died, was injured, lost a job, lost a dog, heck—if you just SAW the buildings go down you were on TV yammering about it.


What do we have now? Where are the relatives of the people who died? Where are their friends, their coworkers? In self-quarantine in their homes? I’m not buying it. TV news media would be hounding them to be there to yell FIRST in front of the world, either by Skype, or phone, or…you get the idea.


So, where are these people? Where are the relatives or friends or neighbors of those who have died from COVID-19? Or where are the recovered or recovering patients. By the last count on the JHU Map tracker, there are more than 7,000 U.S. citizens who have died and another nearly 10,000 who have recovered. Where are they? Where are there pictures of them? Go to Google right now and search COVID-19 patients and click “images” and see what you see. Lots of TALK about patients, but … not much else.


I’m not saying that COVID-19 is not a real disease and shouldn’t be taken seriously. I am saying that there may be something to what Pompeo said at the podium the other day: “We are in a live exercise.”