I am convinced that Fauci and Birx are DS puppets. I am not sure about the Surgeon General Adams.
This is how they THINK, they are setting up POTUS. They are relying on a "model" funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation at the (from their website) "The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington" .
This model first forecasted as many as 2.1 million people could die from muh corona. Their compatriots in the press took that number are were off to the races. This number was based on shhh!!! (no precautions) and thrown out there solely to inflict fear. Hype. Armageddon, apocalyptic hysteria.
Then number then became 200k will die sshhh!! (even with the precautions).That number was elevated to 240k last week. This is the information that was given to the President and the numbers he first mentioned when the corona briefings started. People started questioning these "numbers" and rightfully so. Little by little the narrative in the press shifted to "The White House" backs off number of deaths predicted etc……………..and magically shifted the onus of these numbers from the fucking experts ie…..Fauci and Birx, to our POTUS in order to make it appear that POTUS doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Wildly inflating numbers, backing off, etc………..IT WAS FAUCI AND BIRX USING THE IHME MODEL THAT PROVIDED POTUS THIS INFORMATION IN THE ONSET.
Fauci is downplaying the hydroxycorlequine (sic) and is promoting the idea that a "National Quarantine) is a must and must be done until a vaccine is ready which by the way, would take a year by some estimates. Any moran would know or should know that shutting down the greatest economic engine in the history of man for a year would do irreparable harm to it. Ah…………….but we have Government. Government would be there to "save the day" and at the same time CEMENT into the American psyche that this would be the only way forward. Capitalism is the target. POTUS is the target. WE are the target.
The left has been seeking to do to the economy for decades what has happened in the last month. They think they smell blood in the water but they are dead wrong. That is chum they are being lured to and they are being set up BIGLY to be caught red handed in helping the democrat machine take down not only our POTUS, but the economy, free markets and capitalism. In one fail swoop.
I believe they have had this plan sitting in the que as a "go to plan" should all else fail. The Fed is printings 1's and 0's out the ass increasing the national debt exponentially which will also hasten the implosion of the country.
"The Silent War continues"-Q "We are fighting a Silent Enemy"-Q+ There is no fucking coincidence with this.