Anonymous ID: 25879c April 4, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.8683904   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4145 >>4163 >>4303 >>4353 >>4363 >>4450 >>4620



  • Economic warfare, IP theft, bribing corrupt Congress to relocate US economy to China


  • Biden took a $1.5 billion bribe from the ChiComs paid to his son


  • Inferior knock-off goods flooded into world market


  • Bio Weapon-s released in Waves to attack economies of the West


  • 4 or more Bio-Weapons were deployed against the US from East and West, probably by spraying airplane cabins with active virus on ChiCom flights to the USA.


  • Information Warfare, WHO puppets and ChiCom Medical establishment played Faucci, NIH, CDC and FDA for fools, "virus can not pass human to human"


  • CDC, FDA tell Trump to keep flight from China carrying Chinese infected WMDs to every county in the USA. Faucci causes Trump to hesitate for two weeks in halting flights full of WMDs.


  • Oligarch controlled US Media 4 company Oligopoly calls Trump racist for stopping WMD attacks using infected Chinese WMDs.


  • Africa and South America are collateral damage, Africa will be repopulated with Chinese, this is already happening.


  • Once Doctors are infected, additional race-specific bio weapons will be released to kill off western populations.


  • If the West is Neutralized, a Rus Slav specific Bio Weapon can depopulate Russia, allowing hundreds of millions of Chinese to simply move into the empty houses, businesses and factories after they burn the Russian dead and put the remaining Russians in work camps for extermination.


  • Once medical supplies and basic medicines are exhausted, bio weapons will have a devastating impact.


  • CDC, FDA using the Plague for power Grabs to push Big Pharma agenda


  • CDC is funded by vaccine royalties, they are attempting to crush every other solution no matter how many they kill.


Chemical Warfare


  • ChiComs kill 50,000 Americans a year with Fentanyl, smuggled in over wide open US Mexican Border


  • ChiComs take control of US Pharmaceuticals and push inferior and short weight meds into US



Information Warfare:


ChiCom and US Media coordinated Attack on US Defenses


  • US Reporters take bribes


  • They are handed ATM cards from off shore banks where the bribes are deposited.


  • Bribes run between $1,500 to $50K, for writing favorable articles.


  • Obama campaign paid hundreds of thousands to reporters for glowing articles about a Candidate with no records of any kind


  • ChiComs and Dems using same tactic against Trump


  • DOJ does nothing…..


-Anons, dig meme pray

Anonymous ID: 25879c April 4, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.8684052   🗄️.is đź”—kun

A Boomer Elegy: To Millennials & Gen-X'ers, "I Am Sincerely Sorry"


History will probably record that America’s Baby Boom generation threw one helluva party; Gen X was left with the sorry task of cleanup crew; and the Millennials ended up squatting in the repossessed haunted party-house when it was all over.


On behalf of the Boomers, let me try to explain and apologize.


We came along at the end of history’s earlier biggest trauma, the Second World War, following the hard stumble of the Great Depression - which, by the way, for those of you unsure of chronology, followed the First World War, an epic, purposeless slaughter that utterly demoralized Western civilization. What a set-up for my parent’s generation.


(con't at link)



Wait, didn't Millennials give us Facefuck and Twitter and selfies all other variety of narcissist, soul draining garbage?


Gen X is the only generation worth a ****. We gave the world this.