Anonymous ID: 9f1d99 April 4, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.8684414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4453

There is something I have been wondring about for some time now, especially after the virus and the worldwide lockdown.

PLEASE bare with me and let me know your opinion. I'm not trying to go against Q with this, I'm trying to understand.

I am Christian and I see and try to understand the world affairs from christian perspective. I believe in God and Jesus Christ, but I also believe the Bible explains almost everything that happened in past and what is going on right now. So I will start:

  1. This might not be the beggining of the endo of the world as we know it, meaning the deep state (EVIL) is only trying again to gain control over the world, but it wont succeed, the life will go on more or less peacfully. Q and the patriots will save the children and we will at least for a while live better lives. Propably in the future the deep state (EVIL) will hatch a new plan and the whole shit will start again.


  1. (This is the outcome that worries me the most and something is telling me this explanation is more plausable… I might be wrong, future events will prove me wrong or not)

If you believe in good and evil, God or not, whether you are religious person or not, there is one thing we can agree on: the evil ones, the evil people (EVIL in my beliefs) don't care if you are on their side or not. They don't care if you were loyal to them in the past etc. They will use ANYONE, they will sacrifice anyone and anything, loyal to them or not, to achieve their goal, which is worldwide control of all people.

Whether or not Tump is good or bad hat, whether Q is on our or their side, what if the "real deep state", not the Clitons etc the lower players, are using us, our trust in Q and Trump, our hate for child and sex trafficking, to complete their goals? They don't care if they take out almost all of their deep networks of sex slaves, ect as long as they will achieve their long term goals. They knew we would not convert to their lucyferian ways, they could have even use the good hats to show us that the lower player evil ones are take care of. But the most rich and the ones in the highest levels we dont even know about, they will remain control…. Over our money, over our freedoms etc. I'm worried that after Bush and Obama, the deep state understoon that we were all waking up to their doings. So they came up with a plan to use our good hearts agains us…. Double play. If they tried to take over our countries, especially America, we would rebel. We all knew about Fema camps etc. But if we would believe that there is a plan to take care of child trafficking etc , we will stay at home and let them do whatever they want. ..

Anonymous ID: 9f1d99 April 4, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.8684453   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Please be understanding to me, I still have hope! I'm waiting for the outcome of all of this and I'm praying my worst fears wont come true. But as Christian I know that no man can bring peace to whole world. The only peace will be the false one and even the elect will be decived… Untill the real Kingdom will come.

God bless to you all
