Anonymous ID: 1baa09 April 4, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8686111   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8683993 (pb)




disclaimer-Not a Medfag


Around Oct/Nov 2019 we had the whole vape scare involving ejuice/nicotine/unregulated vape products/flavorings/vitamin E acetate


Now the msm spun this one to take the focus off of the source of this problem being that these products were mainly manufactured in China or used ingredients/parts made in china.


Many people reported respiratory problems similar to that of the China Virus. Some deaths reported


Right around this same time, a very nasty illness was going around that was similar to flu symotoms, lasted a few weeks and also came along with bad respiratory infection symptoms.


Gut feeling always thought the vape scare, that "flu" that went around, and the China Virus were related. Possibly a dry run so to speak or even early deployment?