Anonymous ID: 2ba701 April 4, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.8685911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5946

For some of you this will connect the dots on many things the 'elites' and the black oculists have been doing, to name a few: Television, Movies, Music, Brainwashing, Predictive programming, Perception management, Satanic ritual abuse, Satanic calender and 'holidays', Live rituals at music shows, Pain, Suffering, Fear, GMO, Bad food, Corruption, Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Vanity.


So, i will start from the beginning, from each and every one of YOU. Each and everyone of you is a powerful creator, created by the one and only and sent here to have an individual experience and grow spiritually. I know right now most of you reading this might find it hard to understand, but this is the truth and there is no simpler way to put it, some are ready and can see it, some are not yet ready. Don't get me wrong both are fine, no one is above the other, we are simply at different places at different journeys.


When i say that you are a powerful creator, i mean it in the full sense, you are creating your reality every moment of your life, every aspect, every condition, every problem and every solution, it is all self created. 'The problem' lies in the fact that most of you are currently unaware and in a sleeping state, you are creating your life without awareness, to put it into simple words, your sub-conscious is in control (who is in control of your sub-conscious and how? you are?). You have been given the most sophisticated machine to be ever created (every kind of technology you can think of is already existing and is integrated on one level or the other) - The human mechanism! - but you have never been thought how to use it properly, in a sense you are like a child put into a space ship, and you are pressing all the buttons, pulling all the levers, and you are going, somewhere, without much control.


There is so much you still need to learn, so i will break it down to as simple as it can be, without going over the different 'bodies' or layers that comprise every thing that have physical manifestation. The key principle in creating is about ALIGNMENT, Maintaining that alignment and ENERGY LEVEL (some might refer to it as vibration). ALIGNMENT - of Mental body, Emotional Body Physical body - Thought, Emotion and Form. Maintaining that alignment - stillness or unwavering of the bodies - Maintaining focus. ENERGY LEVEL - The more energy channeled the faster the manifestation, the lower the slower.


Now that you have the basic principals, we can break down and connect few of the dots, things are going to get clearer and clearer.

Anonymous ID: 2ba701 April 4, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8685946   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Pain, Suffering, Fear, GMO, Bad food, Pollution, etc" - Used as tools of contraction of consciousness, Keeping consciousness trapped in lower states, breaking down of Physical body -Emotional Body -> Mental body (body over mind).

"Corruption, Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Vanity, etc" - Known as the five passions of the mind, or the five modes of destructive mental activity. breaking down and destabilizing the mental body (-emotional body -> physical, mind over body), creation of mentally trapped slaves - how many people see being enslaved to their desires as freedom? can they stop?

"Satanic ritual abuse, Satanic calender and 'holidays', Live rituals at music shows, etc" - it is all about aligning low energy beings to the same cause, so to bring forth its manifestation.

"Television, Movies, Music, Brainwashing, Predictive programming, Perception management, etc" - programing low energy beings to co-manifest their reality or 'movies'


Understand that the negative side, being weak and itself depleted of energy(look at pictures of GHB, you can see that even with all the blood and stimulants they have (Adreno for example), he is still old, rotten - on all levels - and in pain - i mean you can see it on his face), they must suck the life out of others to exist, to manifest their reality they need to collaborate and align them self through their rituals at the same time and others through mind control. On the other side, you have high vibration and energy beings that create their complete reality. Some of you might ask why dont we jump and rescue you, please understand this is in the grand scheme for your own good, with power comes responsibility and as there is man made law, there is natural law and spiritual law, forced intervention in another being consciousness is a negative, remember that trump was asked to run as president, just as much as you asked for the truth and help.


As you can see, each aspect of your life was designed to bring you down, into lower states of consciousness, to exhaust your energy, to misalign you and to keep you trapped there. To put it simple, you were thought to align with the negative side.

I am inviting each and every one of YOU to align with us, at the positive side and meditate, in your own way, together co-create with us a future that will be of love, understanding and abundance.


Try to understand, meditation does not mean sitting in silent with legs crossed and closed eyes, no, there is no way of meditation, meditativeness is a state of consciousness, a state of BEING.

You can pray and be meditative,

you can sing and be meditative,

you can dance and be meditative,

you can fight and be meditative,

you can sit in total stillness and be meditative.