Anonymous ID: 33eb19 April 4, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.8687113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7632 >>7644


'''Interdasting site""


We have long warned that Unrestricted Warfare was underway and that its initial attack would be on our markets and finance. This was the strategy outlined in 1999 by two Senior Colonels in a book published by PLA Press, the official publisher of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). One of the authors of that 17-year old book just wrote an op-ed calling for an attack on American finances, according to an article in the Epoch Times:


Chinese General Says ‘Contain the United States’ by Attacking Its Finances

By Joshua Philipp, Epoch Times | February 16, 2016

A major general in the Chinese military is calling for China to contain the United States by attacking its finances.


“That’s the way to control America’s lifeblood,” writes Maj. Gen. Qiao Liang, a professor at the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) National Defense University, in an op-ed published in China Military Online, the official mouthpiece of the PLA.


“To effectively contain the United States, other countries shall think more about how to cut off the capital flow to the United States while formulating their strategies,” he writes.


Most Americans have never heard of Unrestricted Warfare. In fact, I personally introduced it to a former CIA Director (who had never seen the book) as well as numerous members of the IC (Intelligence Community), and various Senators and Congressmen. Most were horrified at the obvious plan to displace America. A few dismissed the concern, claiming the book was “not at all anti-American.”


One Amazon reviewer (in 2005) even attempted to dismiss the book as more a literary piece of creative writing than a strategic plan for war:


By the way, the two authors of the UNRESTRICTED WARFARE were not educated and trained as professional military men. Colonel Qiao Liang, for instance, received his B.A. degree in Chinese literature, and has published several notable novels. He is employed in the Creative Writing Department of the Air Force, a Chinese military tradition of believing the power of literature, and was promoted to the rank of colonel because of his literary accomplishment.


A similar opinion was also promoted by the senior China analyst at a major American defense/intelligence agency in Washington. I was told that I had completely misunderstood the book, that it was akin to a work of fiction, that China had no negative intentions for America, etc. We had a lively debate at a special briefing inside that intelligence agency. After the debate, the head of the agency shared that he was pleased that I had gotten the truth across. He said that he had to bring me in from Texas because so many in Washington had bought into the benign China propaganda.


Anyone who has bothered to read the Unrestricted Warfare book and fairly studied Chinese activity since 1999 knows better, as demonstrated in these quotes in Epoch Times:


The U.S. has been in a protracted economic war that includes information war and financial war—and it’s increasing. — Casey Fleming, CEO, BLACKOPS Partners Corporation


Proposed Chinese strategies such as this should be taken seriously, according to Casey Fleming, CEO of BLACKOPS Partners Corporation, which provides intelligence and cyber strategy to the Fortune 500.


“It’s extremely critical. It’s extremely serious,” said Fleming, noting that China is already waging a full-scale economic war on the United States using methods including cyberattacks, conventional espionage, and currency manipulation.


“The financial throttling is all part of economic warfare,” Fleming said. “The United States has been in a protracted economic war that includes information war and financial war—and it’s increasing.”


continued at top link

Anonymous ID: 33eb19 April 4, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.8687164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7339 >>7540 >>7743 >>7790


George Soros warns Trump of potential economic doom before election


Thomas Franck


Brian Schwartz



George Soros said that the U.S. economy could be headed for calamity as a result of President Donald Trump’s efforts to juice American business.

“The stock market, already celebrating Trump’s military success, is breaking out to reach new heights,” he said. “But an overheated economy can’t be kept boiling for too long.”

The longtime investor’s comment came on the heels of fresh record highs in the U.S. stock market and amid the longest bull market in American history.

GP: George Soros Day Three Of The World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020

George Soros, billionaire and founder of Soros Fund Management LLC, pauses while speaking at an event on day three of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020.

Simon Dawson | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Liberal billionaire George Soros said Thursday that the U.S. economy could be headed for calamity as a result of President Donald Trump’s efforts to juice American business and stock prices ahead of the 2020 election.


“Trump’s economic team has managed to overheat an already buoyant economy,” Soros warned his guests at an informal dinner at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


“The stock market, already celebrating Trump’s military success, is breaking out to reach new heights,” he said. “But an overheated economy can’t be kept boiling for too long. If all this had happened closer to the elections, it would have assured his reelection.”


“His problem is that the elections are still 10 months away, and in a revolutionary situation, that is a lifetime,” Soros said.


Soros, an 89-year-old Democratic megadonor whose net worth peaks at more than $8 billion, delivered the remarks at the dinner held during the forum, an annual conference set in the Swiss Alps and known for featuring elite business and political leaders.


The longtime investor’s comment came on the heels of fresh record highs in the U.S. stock market and amid the longest bull market in American history. Many economists accredit the surge to the Trump administration’s policies including larger corporate profits due to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and renegotiated trade agreements.


While the administration’s tax cuts lowered the rate corporations pay in income taxes to 21%, the White House hasn’t shirked away from approving big-ticket fiscal budgets or increases in military spending.



Meanwhile, improvements in U.S.-China trade relations provided a boost toward the end of last year. Both sides agreed to a “phase one” trade deal in which China promised to increase its purchases of U.S. manufacturing, energy and agricultural goods and services by at least $200 billion over two years.


Such policies helped lead the S&P 500 to hit an all-time high of 3,337.77 on Wednesday after rallying more than 28% in 2019.


On Wall Street, Soros is perhaps best known for his trading prowess and $1 billion bet against sterling that saw him and then-Soros manager Stanley Druckenmiller “break the Bank of England” on Black Wednesday in 1992.


A string of lucrative annual gains at his Soros Fund Management through the 1990s ended in 2000, when the firm’s Quantum fund swooned, following a host of technology and biotech stocks downward. Though the investor has for years said he’s “retired,” Soros has been known to occasionally make active trading bets and helped his firm through the financial crisis.


He also took the opportunity Thursday to slam Trump and China.


Soros said Chinese President Xi Jinping is “trying to exploit Trump’s weaknesses.” He also accused Xi of using “artificial intelligence to have total control of his people.”


He added that he thinks Trump “is a con man and a narcissist, who wants the world to revolve around him.”


“When his fantasy of becoming president became a reality,” that narcissism dialed up, Soros said. “This has turned his narcissism into a malignant disease.”


— Brian Schwartz reported from Davos, Switzerland. Thomas Franck reported from Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Anonymous ID: 33eb19 April 4, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.8687425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New Scott Roberts




No, not really. Not even close.

Anonymous ID: 33eb19 April 4, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.8687748   🗄️.is 🔗kun\


Recent English Vid on EFFECTS OF 5G ON ANIMALS.


If this is happening everywhere they lit up 5 G, I can imagine the torches and pitchforks are out in full force for good semi informed reason… as usual.