Anonymous ID: 4fa0c0 April 4, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.8687029   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7051 >>7059 >>7069 >>7548 >>7674 >>7712 >>7731

Curious combination of train wrecks aligning for this super moon of a Tuesday.

-Agents [Corey Goode] whispering poison in Wilcocks ear about power outages.

-AJ saying he'll expose Q if Joe Rogan doesn't. (Remember, the AF1 shot from November proves continuity and original source from start till Tripcode chain of integrity). Notice his viceral relief when he claims Q will finally end? So many sleepless nights over the niche he subverted from Bill Cooper being taken away~

-The shadow men on our board programming our splintered minds into a [y] head, Mason 'death star' moment.

-Board itself under attack, censoring our ability to point all this out. "Fog before the attack"

With the recent train wreck and 'prison ship' propaganda justifying much of the public movement into this "It's the right thing" moment.


The Hospital ships are under attack because they provide relief from the hospital system's strain under China Virus.

China is banking on the fact that over run hospitals will lead to more deaths than their virus itself


Looks like China has a w[y]lie co[y]ote acMeoon spell being conjured.


Seems likely after a large announcement is released, the internet will be hammered to death, so the absorption rate of their released disinformation is heightened.

With one side believing the outage confirms action taken place, and the other in disbelief over Q's authenticity. The polarity between these is aimed to cause as big of a schism as possible.

This is a calculated attack against us.

>Get popcorn ready ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚


Pay attention to those that hype this day, and these talking points up.

Pay attention to the overwhelming amount of 'juicy' digs going on.

The posts will come back, yet this attack has a time limit close approaching. Their Fog of Overwhelming information will only grow thicker as we approach the Full Moon.


Isn't it curious these seemingly different outlets are coordinating together?

They're running themselves hard af, and becoming hilariously exposed~


Anonymous ID: 4fa0c0 April 4, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.8687051   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7059 >>7148


Simple thought experiment: Would our enemy, whos prime weapon is manipulating the social narrative, leave the baking position alone?

Or would they do everything in their power to take it over and keep it.


We're three years into this.

>The entire world is watching.


If you look at the amount of tyb spam, and we know its laced with subliminals that force love, if you look at the importance and power such a position holds on a forum the world watchesโ€ฆ


Once thought through, the answers become IDEN tactics (You) may apply to uncover the few manipulators who hide behind a hundred masks.


Patriots know well~

Anonymous ID: 4fa0c0 April 4, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.8687059   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7114 >>7143 >>7276



China launched a bio-nuclear attack against the world.

We call it the China virus.

Fact: The Wuhan PS4 BioLab released the virus.

Fact: The Chinese Communist Party knew about the virus before 2007.


Fact: It was engineered for rapid spread - contagious without symptoms for 14 days.

Fact: The Wuhan lockdown was a calculated explosion of viral attack vectors. The CCP inoculated the city, they waited for their Petri dish to reach a certain contamination level then alerted their viral carriers that the city will be locked down in a few days. This forced half the inoculated city to spread out like an explosion across China and the World.

Fact: Due to the totalitarian control of Communism, Winnie the Xi personally ordered this terrorism to be unleashed.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.


Fact: The reports released by China are carefully tailored to reduce criticism.


Fact: China launched a bio-nuclear attack against the world.

We call it the China virus to remind us we're in this together, against the worlds Silent Enemy.

The monster China has struck.

They will strike again.


Fact: China favors "using barbarians to attack barbarians".

Fact: China is behind Iran.

Fact: China is behind the Muslim Brotherhood.

Fact: China is behind the drug cartels.

Fact: China owns the EU, and UN.

Fact: China is behind the fermented hatred for Israel. They want Americas' wedge into Europe eradicated, and personally fund the IRGC of Iran to accomplish this.

Fact: China goes through great measures to coerce us away from seeing their influence; Their insideous plans. "Deflection, ommision, denial, and abuse."

Fact: China hates Trump.

Fact: China manipulates our media.


Fact: China is behind the 5G fear propaganda. It's coming, but they don't want America to pave the way. They want to own the infrastructure of tomorrow. They backdoor devices. They want to be the ones who can turn the devices into spy&kill switches.





>Worthย 43 minutes of your time.


>Important to understand going forward.


Fact: China is at war with the rest of the World.

We are in their sights.

Anonymous ID: 4fa0c0 April 4, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.8687130   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7147 >>7174


Fact: Your kneejerk reaction to threatening information is to alleviate stress by linking it to teh joos.

Fact: The IRGC is becoming a useless barbarian~


We both know China will subsume what it can from you to survive ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anonymous ID: 4fa0c0 April 4, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.8687585   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


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