Anonymous ID: 67e601 April 4, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.8687660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7680

how long now?

White Hats have still done nothing?

How long will Q fuck you and your family while encouraging your military to roam the streets while you stay home, doing nothing?

you fucking idiots, sat still, and meme'd, & prayed to pagan gods

while your country is ruined!!

so good Q/Q+ left MSM and censorship in place, as they bury POTUS every day and every show, no normies are waking in liberal cities, only blaming and pissing on Trump, and he is earning it because he did nothing about our biggest enemy, nope let them be, and know your family suffers, with no hope in sight and his family is still wealthy and insulated, but fuck the american people, what a fucking joke, no down internet, no truth, no disclosure, just the same old DS story doesn't matter because he did nothing and let Bush's bar boy to do as he was installed for, protect the Bush dynasty and the NWO

William Barr is as deep state and NWO as you get, put their to install legal and administrative state procedures and personnel.

If you think the normies are going to not blame Trump, your fucking stupid as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear Amazon is mandating preference for dildos, so you faggots will be happy.