Eyes on >>8688411
Excellent points. China, as a nation, isn't responsible for the biological attack (we know it's a bio weapon, DJT has told us as much). And Faucci/Birx pushing the "wait for muh vaccine" route while shutting down commerce is its own poison pill.
Are we gonna nuke China? America, hell - the WORLD - could be demanding it sometime soon. Facts are gonna have to decloak soon to prevent that.
>It wasn't the Chinese people who did this to us. Might not have even been Xi himself. We all know it's Cabal. That's why we're here, right?
And vaccines are a non-starter. Bill Gates and Co pushing that? He needs a vaccine first - the copper jacketed kind. C'mon, guys.
If they're hitting us from both sides - and that looks obvious from what anon is saying - then where do we guide people? That hasn't been discussed yet, and FFS
it damn well should be. Or we're just limp-dickin' thru this whole autist thing