Anonymous ID: 34c096 April 4, 2020, 5:51 p.m. No.8688712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8735



Can we maybe decide at some point that we cannot afford to stay shut down, we all decide to go to work (as far as we are able) and trust our own immune system and trust our own medical system, we decide as one group that we've had enough of the fear-mongering….


we, as one, decide to tell the fear-mongers, the big pharma, the ones trying to destroy our country and our world "bug off, we have faith in our Lord, we know we can survive this without your help/drugs/advice thank you very much"…what would they do?


I think we need to listen very closely to what our POTUS is saying to us in the next few days.


And then maybe we need to act.


again, be careful….just spitballing here.