things heating up in and around Venezuela,
USA might have one or more nuclear subs off of VZ coast right now
things heating up in and around Venezuela,
USA might have one or more nuclear subs off of VZ coast right now
Be watching Vietnam too.
POTUS implied today that sailors on the Theodore Roosevelt were infected with CCPvirus during their stopover in Vietnam.
Vietnam's commie party is largely a branch/puppet of the CCP. However their people are nationalistic and in many ways not ready to go along with the VCP's globalist plans.
Vietnamese people are also fanatically attached to the idea that the Spratly and Paracel Islands belong to Vietnam.
So if a US-Chicom war kicks off, Hanoi is going to have an interdasting choice to make.
Do they side with their comrades in Beijing and incur the wrath of their people for chickining out of the opportunity to take (back) the Spratlys and Paracels?
Or do they side with the 'imperialist Yankees', their old enemy from the 60s and 70s? This would help put VN on a path to assert its claims to the Spratlys and Paracels, but how to explain to their people an alliance with the USA, which the Hanoi commies have always argued is the Mother of All Evil?
And how does Hanoi make this call amid a near-total economic shutdown with a precarious banking system?
>NYC ICU Doctor says COV-19 doesn't look viral at all, calls it oxygen failure like altitude sickness
appears to support the idea that 5G frequencies deplete oxygen in the lungs