Anonymous ID: 3bd497 April 5, 2020, 4:50 p.m. No.8697466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7637 >>7642

While researching the potential risk of increased chance of contracting coronavirus, I stumbled across a page on the NCBI webpage providing all the details regarding the influenza vaccine, all the studies done etc etc.


Something I found interesting was that there were five studies done on the potential for the flu vaccine to cause lupus. None of the studies showed any statistical chance that it would cause lupus, yet they did these studies over and over.


I had to ask why?


Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the body. There is no scientific data that supports or provides evidence that any vaccine causes lupus.


So why would organizations pay money towards studies that are seemingly designed to fail?


Who stands the chance of losing out on billions of dollars in yearly profits from the manufacture and sale of flu vaccines?


Why the focus on lupus?


Could it be that the treatment of lupus with hydroxychloroquine actually cures viral infections? And these companies, scared of losing their profits wanted to ensure that none of their vaccines caused a disease that would show the cure?


You decide.

Anonymous ID: 3bd497 April 5, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.8697637   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now if the brooklyn ER Doctor was correct in saying that this virus is something different, maybe, just maybe, COVID-19 acts in the manner similar to lupus. Essentially driving the body to attack the lungs. This would cause inflammation, fluid build up, but the kicker is the ventilator issue.


He talked about how people seem to be dealing with “altitude sickness” which is similar but not the same as hypoxia. Hypoxia would still cause all those symptoms from the patients lack of oxygen in the blood. The ventilators though, if the tissue in the lungs is already structurally weakened by the virus, normal settings for a ventilator, or forced oxygenation, could damage these weakened structures to create the pockets that we are seeing on xrays.


It’s just a hypothesis, but it appears that this seems to be the way the science is leaning.


You can read the studies yourself and see if you come to the same conclusions, but either way it appears that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for viral respiratory infections and there is pretty strong evidence suggesting that these flu manufacturers knew this and took measures not only to hide the information, but paid to have studies done to ensure that flu vaccines wouldn’t cause a disease that would show the cure for these respiratory viruses.