Anonymous ID: f9ce7f April 5, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.8698449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8679


>If I'm wrong (and I'm not alone in this) then at least we've raised awareness to the scourge of child trafficking, abuse, and perhaps planted a seed that the horrors are worse than just "rape and trafficking". I honestly feel, deep down inside, that this issue is what our great president wants us to think about as priority #1.


While anon understand (was the anon that asked you that) it should be handled with extreme care.

Believe you were the same anon that posted Observe. Archive…..

The concern this anon has is that social media goes wild with theories and starts to create an echo chamber where everyone falls into the trap.

The two biggest reasons this anon has been here from the start has been the children/trafficking and border. (related)

Understanding it is hard to remain emotionless while digging into some of these darker aspects, it should be approached cautiously.

Learned long ago to channel it to righteous anger and focus that to hunt/dig. Don't wear yourself out..plenty of time for embracing it after.

Dig Meme Pray


Love and blessings anon