Anonymous ID: 02d2d5 April 5, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.8698781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799 >>8869 >>8882 >>8917 >>8942 >>9090



Unfortunately you are very clueless as to how this all relates. We have friends, family and other loved ones in danger; civilians like most of you. We follow the chain of command or risk the consequences. Recognize that you’ve been getting vital information and if we were here to deceive you the information wouldn’t be to warn you to prepare, so put that into perspective before it’s too late. You’ll be the one in fear I’m no time at all, if not for you, you will for those you care about.

Anonymous ID: 02d2d5 April 5, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.8699425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9442




This board has plants. They are here to steer your views in a certain direction, all in combination with the posts. All by design. To think otherwise would be foolish. Ask yourselves why do “q” posts really respond to anons and what if those supposed anons aren’t actually anon at all. What would this accomplish? This person against this post clearly must be one of those plants. I feel for the other person posting his/her concerns.


Despite what you think, this isn’t one of our posts.


Since there is doubt…


This virus was created stateside. Civilians were long exposed to a precursor what is labeled as the “initiator.” The initiators work to accomplish several tasks but only once exposed to this virus. Everyone has or will get this virus; no exclusions. All by design. What we do know is this virus has a payload. The payload will perform an insertional mutation within your DNA (only in combination with the initiator). Think nanoparticle. There’s an reason why those infected are symptomatically showing lung issues, and organ failure. This virus was designed, as we understand it, from aids/malaria viruses and that the envelope’s of the virus were enhanced in some way. Most of the technology they are activating now has a lot to do with all of this. Look at all the executive orders closely as a reference, also DARPA S.E.E for example. You are witnessing just the initial stages of a much broader operation.


The warnings here have been to get you the public to act and to fight against what leaders and legislation were promoting; most of which is too late now on certain fronts.


They will push more. YOUR FREEDOMS have and always been the the threat. Let this sink in to understand where this is really headed. We can’t give more than this.