Anonymous ID: 14a5f7 April 5, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.8699290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9305 >>9431


>Q said that the cabal already lost before the game even started and asked a very important question, "what does knowing all possible enemy moves, give you?" it allows you to set up traps and the NG + war against the cartels + rescueing the trafficking victims, is one hell of a trap


Yes anon! astute analysis


The best counter op is to go all in with the operation against you, while subverting it from within, watching the infitrators (the coup minions) and gaining leverage slowly, right up until the weight shift which allows you to throw the opponent OUT OF THE RING, using their OWN momentum.


Military precision and genius and higher power to boot


We are most fortunate to be here now, watching this formerly improbable timeline hang the dark side out to dry!