Anonymous ID: d8aa78 April 5, 2020, 7:23 p.m. No.8699430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9495 >>9524





Note he said "OUR pearl harbor moment, OUR 9/11 moment" We've already had THEIR pearl harbor & 9/11 moments.


I interpret it like this. Pearl harbor was a deep state provoked/allowed attack to draw the United States into war when the public consensus was decidedly against it. Said to have awoken a "sleeping giant." Much like the false flag attack on 9/11 that drew the country together again under false pretenses and against the wrong enemy. Shocking and tragic days that will live on in infamy.


The great awakening goes public next week. A white hat operation conducted around the world against a death cult that had ruled the planet by deception, blackmail, treachery and corruption.


The first high profile public arrest/announcement will again awaken the sleeping masses. This time to a true enemy, their hidden agenda and the crimes they've committed against humanity.


It will once again unite the US and the entire world in a common cause. This time for the righteous prosecution of the previously invisible enemy. An enemy that has for so long been a plague and virus on humanity. A day that will live on in dignity by returning justice to all man kind.


It will be the hardest moment for many Americans because many of them have trusted and falsely idolized some of the people that will be exposed. A cognitive dissonance whiplash on that magnitude will be much harder for some people to deal with that anyone who's been here for a while can comprehend. A lot of us here have always sensed that there was something not quite right going on. We have always questioned the official narrative. There are some people that have swallowed the hook of deception so unquestioningly, so deeply that removal may not even be possible at this point.


I'm sure you all know someone who in all other regards is a good person. Someone you were friends with or someone you love and care about. A person that does not entertain "conspiracy theory's" and will fight against the truth with a conviction that feels almost like spiritual possession. Hopefully in these cases were trusting people have been severely brainwashing that it is reversible.