Anonymous ID: 0f0c52 April 5, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.8699847   🗄️.is 🔗kun


May I suggest reporting it to CPB? AFAIK, they have jurisdiction in cp.

We all know @jack won't do anything, and if it is illegal, maybe report it to CPB and FBI on their tips pages.


Send them original AND ARCHIVE LINKS ← put each link in the red box

Anonymous ID: 0f0c52 April 5, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.8700218   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I can sense when someone is lying or something is false or a scam,

That's a beneficial gift

> not perfectly, my hormones and such have had me believe things about partners that weren't true so hence I too can be seduced

It's fickle, isn't it? It's easy to ignore it and believe what we want to believe, and it ends in pain IF you don't listen and heed that instinct. Choosing not to do so is essentially choosing to be manipulated, to put yourself in the hands of someone who does not mean well.

>I would rather you just lay it all out at my feet…..

It has to be organic. You have to make the effort, and it sounds like you are doing that by lurking, learning and investigating on your own. Think of it this way - deep knowledge just handed to you does not have the same value as when you learn it on your own, make the connections on your own, go through the trial on your own. That was the original premise of the much-maligned Mystery schools, in order to weed out those who were only after greed, wealth and power. Those who remained and withstood the trials and made the efforts through it all were rewarded with knowledge. Those who took it further, with understanding of what that knowledge really meant and how to apply it for the good. Those were the ones who truly understood why it had to absolutely be kept out of the hands of the venal and wicked.

Welcome to the journey, lurkeranon. You are appreciated and I'm glad you are here and popped your head up.