Anonymous ID: 20f765 April 5, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.8700220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8698613 (pb) 100% agree Anon. Add to that rationing of food, some foods sold out everywhere, fascist officials all trying to out do each other on new rules, cashiers turning into little Nazi goose steppers if you make one mistake in their never ending litany of rules, dystopian messaging playing non stop in the stores, media, etc., security guards everywhere, small businesses going bankrupt.


We've had ZERO income for a month, but the f'ing politicians all voted to raise their salaries before this hit, along with raising our property taxes. We're still expected to pay our bills, but ordered to close our business down.


Nothing but LIES,LIES, LIES. My bank assured me they would remain open, days later they close because of muh covid. Of course it has nothing to do with people withdrawing thousands from their accounts everyday.


Costco you are only allowed 2 people per cart now, so no moms with their children allowed. I guess you just starve or leave the kids alone for the pedos to kidnap. It's especially helpful if your children put up the rainbow drawing in the window, as the Queen encouraged, to identify your home to the pedos.


In one Canadian province you can now get a $100,000 fine for breaking THE RULES and $500,000 fines on subsequent occasions; so if you're not bankrupt from business closure or job loss the fucking government will finish you off with fines.


And all the .gov sites have snitch lines to report your neighbours. My business neighbours are secretly running their business ($100,000 fine first offense), but as much as i don't like them (past issues) I'm not going to be a good commie and report them. End of rant.