Anonymous ID: 22faac April 5, 2020, 7:54 p.m. No.8699738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9750 >>9763 >>0032

Some Quick notes/theories/paraphrasing from POTUS presser ;-)


Well wishes for BoJo's fight against the virus

NY/NJ very hot zones - drop in deaths might be good sign

All out war ongoing for weeks

Major Disaster declarations in all 50 states -very unusual

Mentions Army Core engineers & Javit center, federal troops deployed

USNS comfort - might be used for corona

No cars on street = no TRAFFIC & it's a positive thing, (mebbe he means no trafficking)

Best Dr's, military personnel, logistics

Orchestrating a massive fed response unlike anything ever seen

Reiterates use of "our people"/mil being used/sent to NY/NJ/Conneticut/Long Island now a hotspot

As of tuesday will have deployed 3000 of "our ppl" med prof, mil & etc

Hopefully seeing leveling off in "hotspots"

In last 7 days FEMA airlifted critical supplies to every corner of the earth, they're coming from all over the planet,

Have delivered…

3 million gloves

8 million masks

3 million gowns

3 big cargo planes landed today

Supply being delivered DIRECTLY to hospitals/providers all over country

Tomorrow delivering additional

600,000 n95 masks to NY, at DeBlasios request

200,000 n95 masks to Long Island/Suffolk County at Con. Lee Zelden's request

Millions n95 masks to other parts of nation re: to Admiral Polowczyz

Over the last 24 hrs additional 500 ventilators to NJ…500 - (5:5 sig?) Gov very thankful working (is?) very hard with NJ including building hospitals

Additional 200 ventilators to Louisiana definite hotspot

300 ventilators to Michigan, working well, I think, w/ the Gov

Amazingly, (anon thinks Amazing/ly is POTUS code for UNBELIEVABLE as in cannot be believed b/c… liar/s)

600 have gone to Illinois POTUS hears him complaining all the time, (Qteam hears him breathing kek!) Britzger!

Building a 2500 bed hosp in Chicago, will have to be staffed by feds b/c Ill's gov no bueno, he's not "performed" well - (bad actor?)

100 to ventilators to Mass.


600 to Il

100 to Mass

300 to Mich

200 to La

500 ventilators, 500 going to NJ ! 5:5 again

500, 500 ventilators is a big deal

establishing a medical center in DC working closely w/ mayor of DC

Gov Inslee of Washington state doing well giving back 400 ventilators.

1,670,000 tested in U.S.A. including 1 tiger

1,200 rapid test

29 million doses hodroxychoriquine

Brightest scientists/dr's working round the clock.


1/2 or 3 we'll see

Anonymous ID: 22faac April 5, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.8699750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9763 >>9831 >>9875


anon skipping ahead to Q& A because cannot get a fucking minute with out interruptions reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Q about 3 big cargo planes landed today

POTUS: 5:5 handsignals while saying some places requesting more supplies than they actually need, tries to negotiate down… or give as wanted


Q about BoJo

POTUS: hasn't spoken to him, big move goin to hosp, wishes him well


Q about funding for dr's/nurses on "frontlines" & r scared to go back to er

POTUS: Not focusing on that right now, not scared to work going in dutifully, go in w/ good/great epuip best stuff you can buy brand new, this very tough enemy, these are AMAZING ppl, get it finished 1st before we do that.


Q about Surg Gen re: Pearl Harbor/911 statement, insinuates Trump Admin's glimmers of hope commentary not on same page as Surg Gen.

POTUS: Gonna reach a certain point horrific point in terms of death, but it's also a point where things will strt chnging, close to level now, horrible thing for wrld, 1 country outta 182, we want to get it, over with.


Q about (PROJECTED) death graph/chart #'s poss changes

POTUS: Hoping we stay under those #'s, #'s of death, if we did nothing you'd know those #'s too, We the people stepped up.

Follow up Q have those #'s changed?

POTUS: Yes, but cannot know truth till end, goal to stay under minimum #.


Suspicious Q re: Medicines & POTUS "giving out medical advice" basically tells him he's "playing doctor".

POTUS: (internally, you think I don't see what you're trying to do rn biatch?) I want ppl to live & I see ppl dying & ppl are going to die w/o it, & when that happens you know the expression 'what do we have to lose'? This med's already been tested & in use for years for malaria/lupus it's very powerful med that doesn't kill ppl-(we don't want cure that's worse than disease?) studies show it works, we don't have time to waste ppl dying. RIGHTFULLY points out new med/vaccine would take too long.

Understands some ppl won't tolerate treatment, if it works fine if it doesn't at least we tried. Reminds her about 'Right to Try bill'. Bill not easy very complex b/c of liability & BIG PHARMA, exculpation won the day!


Q Why are you not letting science speak for itself why are you pushing hydroxychloriqine?

POTUS: I'm trying to SAVE LIVES instead of waiting for the cabals vaccine kill shot okay douche bag CNN fake news guy… (okay anon is paraphrasing here)


Another Q about death charts to Deb, she regurgitates same 411 they've been giving these slow ass press ppl every single day for 2 weeks now.

POTUS: Barb & Dr. Fauxsee very impressed w/ Americans as is POTUS, streets emptied to fix this shizzle! Delighted to work w/ naysayers who've come around during this Wu-flu crisis. Reiterates hope #'s will be much lower than expected… #metoo POTUS!


Q re: DOD's use of masks & if task force members will start covering their faces… (SERIOUSLY DUDE that's your Q?)

POTUS: If they wanna why tf not, might be advisable, it's ADVISORY, we'll see what happens.


Q re: faulty Chinese med equip.

POTUS: They're not dumb enough to do that to us…

Admiral Polowczyz: We actually inspect that shizzle BEFORE we purchase it.

POTUS: Getting stuff from other places too, Reminds them we're making ventilators in house now.



Anonymous ID: 22faac April 5, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.8699763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9831



ANOTHER Q re: charts this time about being off on hospital bed #'s

POTUS: It's turning out we need LESS hosp beds. Reminder that graphs/charts are PROJECTIONS based on GUESS work.

Cuomo just this morn stated lessened need for beds/staff & less death. Less patients less ventilators.


Really stupid Q re: In light of BoJo illness POTUS "standing too close to Pence" & shouldn't they "stay away from each other for continuity of gov"

POTUS: This platform is tiny, wish it was bigger, mostly we are staying away from each other then asks Mike if he's been tested


POTUS: Cool, cool, #metoo just couple days ago, jokes about not breathing when next to Pence, sometimes forced into positions, rather be away… (hmmmmm) but Mike's a big part of this, very difficult maintaining distance in little area.


Q re: Leveling tariffs against oil

POTUS: Oil price stays way it ppl wanna see it go up, but we've got our own oil now, we don't want foreign oil, we're gonna use our own that'll help save industry b/c we're energy independent. Cheap oil = cheap gas rn. We'll save 1000's of jobs & we're stocking up reserves. Neither Russ or SA benefit, might levy tariffs, might not need to.


Q re: stimulus check & next bill from PELOSI.

POTUS: Infrastructure & the people need that $$, wants country back open for business! Reiterates strong dollar value & borrowing for infrastructure.

Q re: timeline for reopening country.

POTUS: Hopefully next few weeks we'll be back.


Q re meds & hosp staff.

POTUS: FDA approved it which is another point, we'll see if it works, it can help them w/o hurting them -(again pointing out not wanting a cure/vaccine that's worse than virus)


Another stupid fear mongering Q why not just shut down whole country including grocery stores

POTUS: Not gonna dignify your stupid Question w/ an answer… All I'm gonna say is when we reopen it's gonna be w/ a bang-(like a shot heard around the world kinda bang?)NEXT!


Q re: ventilators/possibility they'll be needing 32,000, tries to fear monger about not making them fast enough.

POTUS: Don't forget we have almost 10,000 ready to rock, should we need them,




Twas a rough go still to many distractions!

I try though

Anonymous ID: 22faac April 5, 2020, 8:30 p.m. No.8700114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Big pharma is not our friend…


Headline… It's Official! Curing Patients Is Bad for Business
