Anonymous ID: 334068 April 5, 2020, 8:37 p.m. No.8700181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0214 >>0233

-Flu kills roughly 400K annually worldwide.

-approx. 30% of flu cases are Corona strains


Assuming fatalities are equally dispersed among all strains (which they probably are not, corona viruses are probably more deadly, but we'll go with the low side), we can attribute about 120,000 flu deaths annually to Corona strains.


CDC did their study on primates in 2005. Had they pushed forward in it's use, probably could have had it in use by 2007.


Hydroxychloroquine is effective against all corona. In the last 13 years they're culpable in the neglectful death of about 1,560,000 people.


That's why Fauci and none of them want to talk about it. They decided it was better to cull the weak than to cure them.