Anonymous ID: 91eb07 April 5, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.8700252   🗄️.is đź”—kun

So flight of pure speculation here…..

  1. COVID19 is no more than a heavy cold.

  2. MSM and Cabal play it up to crash the economy, subvert the election process, make Trump look out of his depth… power grab.

  3. The whole diseased Temple's last attempt to cripple the USA economy, Trump and Freedom.

  4. The Sheeple are kept stupid using a simple parasitic disease, something like Toxoplasma Gondii for example, that keeps them pliable and easy to distract…

  5. Trump uses the huge MSM and globalist generated pandemic blitz to create demand for an anti-parasitic drug….

  6. WW Great Awakening.

…..Wonder why the usual suspects are soooo against Hydroxychloroquin?