Anonymous ID: 98d196 April 5, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.8699584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8699445 pb


There was another recent study about in vitro prevention - great effectiveness of Niclosamide. That's often used for tapeworm.


It seems like there is a lot of overlap between anti parasite and anti viral.


Also relevant is oxygen and pH - get that pH up, get that oxygen in the blood, that could be prevention, cure, treatment.


The Fed Gov needs to stup up and do something like spend the money on the studies so that in the future the US won't be so pitifully unprepared.


Lock down is not a solution. Hydroxychloroquine is not a new drug, but they're just finding out now that it works.


Why didn't we know this this worked a long time ago? What is the pathetic failing of the FDA that has allowed this pitiful state of affairs?


We should have medicine for "coronavirus". It should probably be stockpiled. Why wasn't it? We're talking 60+ years of this stuff. Why were the tests not done already?


The Federal Government needs to pay for tests of drugs that cure viruses. We don't want vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 98d196 April 5, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.8699939   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think that this isn't some fucking super bio weapon.


It's like SARS. They call it SARS 2, or some do. It's not some sort of crazy ass thing that we haven't seen before.


The French study is up to 2000 people, or a few less than that. 7 have died. That's basically 0.35%. Not the worst thing ever.


The problem is that the FDA is TOTAL SHIT.


The law in particular is designed to hide good outcomes.


That's the headline - the FDA is SHIT.


We should know everything about all of these old drugs, and we should have a stockpile of them, and whenever there is some new virus, we'll have an answer, stockpiled.


But we don't, and that's because the FDA is SHIT.


It's perfectly fine with the FDA if people die. The core function / goal of the FDA is to sell vaccines for Bill Gates, not to help people.


The FDA LAWS need to be changed. It's not about Fauci being a bad guy (and he might very well be) it's that the FDA LAWS are Shit and they need to be changed.

Anonymous ID: 98d196 April 5, 2020, 8:18 p.m. No.8699989   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A lot of drugs out there can do more than one thing. Just because Hydroxycholorquine can kill malaria doesn't mean that the coronavirus is part malaria because the Q drugs can kill it.


You can do a pubmed search on some of the top natural healthy things, and you will see a long list of proven benefits. There are a lot of things that are anticancer and antiviral and antibacteria and antiparasite and antifungal. Things you can buy in the supermarket in the produce or spice aisle.


Many drugs are derived from natural things. The hydroxychloroquine is derived from tree bark. You see a lot of barks and roots with a wide variety of natural chemicals in them.