Anonymous ID: f74c64 April 5, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.8700139   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Okay, so let me get this straight..


You ask others to do Your reporting for you..

>>8699607 Here, btw same request pb as well


I tell you to do this yourself..trying to be a little comedic about it.. >>8699669


You respond to me with >>8699699


I reported every single tweet by the account that retweeted the disgusting shit.


>Since I know you're a shill, I'm only replying so other anons see that the only (you) you got was calling you out for glowing while being mad CP is being reported, you fucking Clown.


Counter response was to explain better >>8699836


Ahem…Not a shill anon, the message you missed was this..In plain english so you can understand.


>No reason for You to ask others to do what You are capable of doing Yourself. You See Something You Say Something. GET IT!


Your final response is here >>8699999


>Calm down. Again, I did. The entire point of us being here is that we've accomplished more over the past 2-1/2 years together than we could have alone.


>I know most of you shills just got here, but surely it's been explained to you that as we win you're going to face criminal charges for what you're doing here, right?


>I don't know how much money they're paying you, but it won't be enough to dry your tears while you're awaiting trial.


>Good luck. Welcome to Qresearch.


Where exactly did you get the idea I'm the shill?