Anonymous ID: 01bebd April 5, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.8700697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8700252 pb


that seems about right.


Include the FDA is shit, and vaccines are shit, and the people who are supposed to be guiding us to good outcomes (FDA) are guiding us to bad outcomes.


We should be able to get a good quality presciption antiviral, cheaply, that will prevent us from catching viruses.


We should be able to go to the supermarket and buy a drink that will prevent viruses. Perhaps the same drink kills parasites. Perhaps the drink that kills the parasites is a different drink.


But I don't necessarily want to be a detective. I want to see "antiviral" on the label.


I understand that the company that makes that drink can't patent that drink. The Fed Gov needs to either 1) pay for studies or 2) allow bev makers to put "antiviral" on the label without big studies.


Our laws are shit and have always been shit for 100 years. And we get shit outcomes because we have shit laws. We need to change the laws so that the FDA can never say again anything like "this is a new virus. because this is a new virus, there has never been anything tested against this specific new virus. because it's too new, and the kind of tests that we like take so long and are so expensive. Because of all of that, we're going to pretend that there is no treatment, and we're going to have to wait for a vaccine. But we all know that 60+ year old medicines will work just fine to prevent the coronavirus and cure the coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 01bebd April 5, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.8700742   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The French study is the most famous study. They are having some deaths there. Each day on this page


the numbers change.


Right now there are 7 deaths out of 1962 patients given at least 3 days of hydroxycloroquine and Zpak. That's about a 0.35% fatality rate. It appears that it does not work 100% of the time. It appears to only work 99.65% of the time at preventing death.


In the US, our doctors are leading the world at doing NOTHING. US and UK are tied with 44% doing NOTHING. Other countries use a lot of the Q drugs and the Zpak. In the US, It's NOTHING.