Anonymous ID: 9dfe7c April 5, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.8700934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0945 >>0959

>>8700081 (lb)

>you could just stfu and do your job.







The Job

is to make new threads so Q can post


The Rest

is leisure

its not notables, its not some fucking pastebin because dome fucking Q posts are green

long before the scrapers maybe yes

but the shit is on, qmap, qbase, qbert, probably archived on some anons toilet paper


dont come in as a legit anon or a legit baker and try to do anything that interrupts the chef


its not all that important

sans maintaining the parts of the dough:

Q posts

War Room to Q Graphics

and lastly, Q Posts Qrchives to Learn To Bake