Anonymous ID: 9e17a0 April 5, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.8700584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0617 >>0619 >>0639 >>0648 >>0704 >>0802 >>0830 >>0869 >>0959

This patriot is fucking badass motherfucker.

I would take bullets for this dude too.

Just woke everybody up from their insanity today.

Saved the day for Hydroxycloroquin and fought for the people who need it.

None of those goddamn fucks listen to POTUS.

Im glad Peter "THE ROCK" Navarros' at the helm.

Gives me faith in our public servants again, fuck ya!


Dan, please Tell POTUS we like this guy!



Anonymous ID: 9e17a0 April 5, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.8701016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1037



NO, you listen here motherfucker.

You are a complete faggot.

You straighten your shit up FAGGOT!


real anons know, it's all you fucking twitter faggots saying "Q sent us" and Q titles, Q notables bullshit.

Twitterfags are messing up the plan biggly.

They call shit that shills post it as "notable" on the twatter, or see anons talking about shilly slides, and that becomes twatter talking points.

All of these miscommunications are because people don't listen, no outside coms.

Twatter faggots like you just post the slides that never made it into the notables in the first place.

I see twatter thread full of screenshots of "anonymous" saying some spastic kindergarten shit, again it become the twatter notable talking point. Idiots think those are Q posts.

Just because things are discussed here doesn't make them true or real.

Which is why we can spot shilly faggots like yourself.


With that said.

Disinformation is necessary.


Go back to twatter you faggot, go drink julians rum motherfucker