Anonymous ID: a5deb7 April 5, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.8700741   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0764


Video Removed & BBC inferred I lied. Proof of validity inside.



Dana Ashlie


Deleted Video:…


New law passed to expedite Five Gee:…


Gives Q the gears on not calling out 5ginterdasting research though

Anonymous ID: a5deb7 April 5, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.8700796   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0893

The WHO it seems has been compromised by the CCP. How long is the list of them who've sold out?




Cross the Rubicon

10.9K subscribers


One would have to be completely naive to think Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hasn't been compromised by the CCP.

How many more world leaders, politicians, academics, world luminaries have sold their souls to the CCP for big brown envelopes?

I bet the list is very long indeed.

One third of the world is in lock down while this covid19 goes on. The world's media pumping out how bad it is 24/7 driving the fear.

The govt in NZ pushing things through parliament while we're all preoccupied and spying on each other making out we're good citizens.

How quickly we fell into telling tales on each other and racing to phone the police hotline to snitch on our neighbours taking the dog for a walk.

The globalist aligned leaders of the world have learned that we can be manipulated much easier than they thought and will acquiesce to their draconian plans that take away our hard won freedoms.

Who knows if this Corona virus was planned, and the reaction by (NWO, pro no borders) govt's also planned what's happening right now.

I think it's a global power grab to usher in the One World Government and make us beg for more of it.

The CCP and globalists working together in an unholy alliance to bring down USA dominance maybe.

I do believe Trump is the spanner in the works to their plans. Boris is giving the CCP a hand in the 5G network in the UK. Has he been compromised… Who knows?

But with these world and organisational leaders praising the CCP for their efforts in their fight against the China virus one has to question their integrity.