Anonymous ID: dce34d April 5, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.8700962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0967 >>0979 >>1011 >>1054



Part 1


Edward Bernays (cough cough) was one of those relatively unknown characters of history who, from "behind the scenes" helped to shape American society – and, by logical extension, the world in general – more so than any president could have. A nephew of the famed sex-mad quack Sigmund Fraud (cough cough), Bernays understood the science / art of manufacturing "public opinion" better than anyone.


During World War I, Woodrow Wilson called upon the services of the legendary ad man who would later train women to become smokers by linking the dirty habit with the women's suffrage movement (Sauce: – and who also trained many of us to crave "Bacon & Eggs" for breakfast (Sauce: Under Bernays' influence, the wartime Committee on Public Information instantly and successfully transformed the public image of the cultured peace-loving Germans into one of marauding, blood-thirsty, warmongering "Huns." Reflecting upon his success with psychological manipulation during wartime, Bernays later described how the same tactics could be used to control the masses during peacetime.




"There was one basic lesson I learned in the CPI—that efforts comparable to those applied by the CPI to affect the attitudes of the enemy, of neutrals, and people of this country could be applied with equal facility to peacetime pursuits. In other words, what could be done for a nation at war could be done for organizations and people in a nation at peace."


In 1928, Bernays, in his book titled, "Propaganda," really "let the cat out of the bag" for us "conspiracy theorists ." The "Father of Spin" as one biographer described him, wrote this:


"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country….. If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it."'


Bernays knew what he was talking about because he himself was very, very close to the Society-Shapers and Culture-Creators who relied upon his evil expertise at manipulation.


Bernays' words teach us, from direct knowledge, that the "the masses" at large are like so many bits of malleable clay in the hands of the Society Shapers. Indeed, in the grand lobby of Rockefeller Center in New York, which houses the headquarters of the very Jewish NBC TV & Radio network, a billboard with the images of famous historical personages of NBC news and TV shows actually reads: "NBC: Shaping American culture since 1926" (bottom right corner). So, we know, by their own arrogant admission, that (((they))) do indeed shape society and create culture by getting "the masses" to passionately believe whatever the heck (((they))) bloody want them to perceive and believe — no matter how counter-intuitive or absurd (Think "modern art" or "the Holocaust" or "climate change" or "man-on-man marriage" or "choose your own gender" or "Social Distancing," etc). That's the "what" of the matter.

Anonymous ID: dce34d April 5, 2020, 10:12 p.m. No.8700967   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 2


With that knowledge in mind, the remainder of this piece shall address the "how" of the phenomenon, from a psychological / philosophical perspective. If you're an anti-conspiracy theorist who doubts that so many people – including those of high intelligence and accomplishment – can be so easily duped into believing this or that falsehood, then the following description of the Society-Shaping dynamic should, we hope, help you to understand that it's really not all that difficult to "brainwash" 85-90% of the public – which is really all that (((they))) need in order to move their agenda items forward.


Think of society as a large ballroom floor full of people buzzing about from one end to the other. In each of the four corners of the room, four "respected" speakers with mighty bullhorns scream out false information from atop elevated platforms. Unbeknown to the stirring "masses", the Big Four, though seemingly situated far apart from one another, are actually all members of the same elite club and working in concert. They are part of a Mafia-like network of Society Shapers who incestuously associate and often inter-marry with other such high-end muckety-mucks.


In one corner, Big Newsmedia (Fake News) shouts out lies and half truths to the credulous crowd circulating around him – never mentioning certain "inconvenient" facts which could contradict the hidden agenda.


And in another far corner, Big Academia, in oh-so-serious tones of "gravitas," echoes and reinforces what Big News is shouting. Smaller Academia (colleges, high schools, middle schools, K-5 elementary schools) all follow the lead of Big Academia.


From a third corner, Big Government, subtly or overtly backed by the threat of force, again shouts from the same script as his co-conspirators.


And finally, in the fourth corner, with perhaps the loudest bullhorn of them all, Big Hollywood – by way of cleverly embedded propaganda inserted into TV shows, movies and music – reaches the ears, hearts and empty minds of even the simplest dumb-asses who neither finished High School, nor follow politics, nor watch the Nightly News.


By the time one of the unsuspecting and confused mob has finished a cycle of walking about from one end of the crowded floor to the other, his malleable mind will have been blasted, marinated and saturated in the most stupefying propaganda imaginable. Only Norman Normie won't realize that the room is steeped in fakery because he has never been exposed to an opposing viewpoint. And if he does happen to chance across an awakened activist with another opinion, he'd probably denounce him as an "extremist" or "uneducated" or a "conspiracy theorist" simply because he has never heard such an opinion before. And should that errant truther begin to "red pill" more than a few normies, the Big Four will inevitably unload their toxic cannonfire at him – thus cowering other active truthers and curious initiates into silent submission.