Anonymous ID: fb5b38 April 5, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8700787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just gotta say it OUT LOUD


RUMORS are NOT facts.

Unless ACTUAL EVIDENCE of children/whomever/whatever "being saved" from DUMB's presents itself… disregard as the RUMORS they are.

Same goes for USNS ships or MASH units being used to transport or render medical aid to SUPPOSED children/whomever/whatever.

MSM & many others just love making this movement look foolish, don't take the, "my friend/cousin/sister/guy in line at McD's heard" BAIT, you'll/we'll just be disappointed & look crazy.

Point of fact; MOST of us here, including me, have but a whisper of the whole picture… let alone the 60/40 we still haven't 100% figured out.


Anybody pushing shit like this is HIGHLY supect.



Learn to discern… I know I'm TRYING to.