anyone can sign up for an anonymous pastebin account, just sayin
Having pastebin account ties the baker to his work, we are all anonymous but a pastebin allows all anons to vet bakers, I haven't been paying attention these last couple breads, but it seems like issues are arising with "guest" bakers. Just my $0.02
Hi Rainman, I'm not baking but I still appreciate what a fan you are of me
Keking my balls off, I went to bed last night thinking it was Sunday morning and I had a call this morning, so I woke up at 745 and called the conference line.. and waited, and waited, then I messaged my boss at 8am and he thought I was a moron. Good times.
>Werd! I have no issues w/ anyone but this whole idea we are 1000% without flaw is sketchy man. It may be the night, it may be a bread.. hell it may be 2 breads but everyone (bakers especially) should be respectful. all good. BACON
I don't believe I was implying anyone did anything wrong. Shills infiltrate and subvert, easiest way to do that is by baking, anons vetting bakers removes 95% of that issue. I am getting some evening R&R in with video games and popping in and out. Not even 100% what the issues have been.
Last night I couldn't access the catalog so another baker had to e-bake due to my lack of knowledge about the index, so I 100% agree we all make mistakes, especially me.
>that's a pretty close likeness
Wonder if he took a selfie, would explain the bad attitude
o7, good night bro
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