Morning anons…
The plague is gonna teach us all about natural products and natural medicines again..woohoo!
Morning anons…
The plague is gonna teach us all about natural products and natural medicines again..woohoo!
top kek shit right here…+1 for the most part..he is USING HCQ as an example. There are literally THOUSANDs of others…
Pharma going down…
FDA going down…
CBD going down…
NIH going down…
NSF going down…
ULevel research about to CHANGE…
BTW..agree on ancedotal. That being said what is wrong with ancedotal evidence? If we ignored ancedotal we would not have advanced very far scientifically…
I would argue we need to get back to observation based science…
ahhhh…this is interesting…
-FE needed by humans
-FE responsible for building hemoglobin which is how we carry oxygen to blood cells
-Covid 19 attacks lungs
-Covid 19 results in resp failure
Here is a study on oxygenation of the blood and SAR-Corona…
Low white blood cell indicated lesser ability to oxygenate blood…