Anonymous ID: 000000 Worcester MA report April 6, 2020, 6:33 a.m. No.8702652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717 >>2814 >>2842 >>3326

A brief report from Worcester, Massachusetts.


The Worcester DCU center is currently being used as a 250-bed field hospital, in waiting. I have driven by the facility several times over the past few days. There are a few relief trucks parked to the side of the building, but otherwise no obvious signs of activity.


St. Vincent Hospital is directly across the street. There are a few tents around the emergency entrance, but no signs of human activity. UMass Memorial Hospital is a few miles away from the DCU center – likewise nothing to see there as well.


Please note the reference below. Apparently, Worcester has catacombs under the city. These tunnels/chambers are deep and are believed to pre-date the civil war. If true, this tunnel/catacomb system is located directly under the DCU center.


I have no idea what is going on. I, personally, know 3 people currently battling pancreatic cancer – one of the rarer cancers, yet I know no one diagnosed with covid-19. Just Weird!


Title: Worcester’s Forgotten Catacombs

Author: Charles W Longeway, SR

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 6, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.8702911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925 >>2929 >>2949


I am not sure if I would say this weekend, but I would definitely say this cv event. If the whitehats do not make a major, noticeable to the world move against the cabal during this period of martial law or immediately following then DJT has zero chance in Nov. This is the now or never moment for the resistance movement.

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 6, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.8703094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3108 >>3128


the "modern medicine" field is built on fake science. Maybe this "mother of all storms" will expose the cabal, military industrial complex, the fake news, the fake banking, the fake dow jones, the fake govt, the fake education system, as well as the fake medical system all at the same time and make peoples head explode.

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 6, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.8703292   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=Chlorine Dioxide kills Coronavirus=


In 2005-2010, an alternative cure/treatment for many diseases emerged which has been, since then, the subject of ridicule and fierce opposition by the establishment. The amount (mountain) of reported personal experiences about this solution is overwhelming, although it is certainly possible to use it in a way that would endanger or threaten one's health. Just sayin'


They call it "industrial bleach" because it has an effective impact of ridicule. It DOES bleach color and is used in some industries as a bleach agent, for example cigarette paper. But it's used industrially more for it's pathogen killing properties. Water treatment plants and fish markets in asia are two users since the 50's. If you have seen people go around spraying over the fresh fish in fish markets, it is usually a chlorine dioxide solution that is used.


I have personally met the couple who created PGL (Project Green Life) selling MMS, as it is called by many, and other more or less questionable products. One day, the woman opened the door because of the doorbell rang and in barked a number of fully armed SWAT-team members with assault rifles screaming to her to get on the floor. That day in 2011 they seized all their assets, tangible and intangible, and have not given it back since. There is more to their story but it is just to show how great the resistance is from the "powers-that-be" about this product.


Some lies:



So what did they know then which made them so strongly against this product spreading, a part from big pharma loosing customers?


Check this out, from 2005:


"Free residue chlorine over 0.5 mg/L for chlorine or 2.19 mg/L for chlorine dioxide in wastewater ensures complete inactivation of SARS-CoV"




The other proven effective cure for coronavirus, Hydoxychloroquine, is a malaria drug. What is interesting in the light of that is that MMS was reportedly discovered by Jim Humble on an expedition. He had the water treatment stuff that blended together created chlorine dioxide, and when members of the expedition got malaria and they didn't have any drug for it, he tested the water treatment on them which killed the malaria in hours.


Take it for what it is. I don't use it but have had it at home for years "just in case". Now I an glad that I do