Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.8702938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2946 >>3056

>>8702492 (lb)

>>8702536 (lb)

@Snowden = CIA, according to Q.

NSA = Clean, and assumed part of Q, as per "we see all" and Q Security clearance drop.


JA? Well, that's got to be one of those Trump cards that patriots are holding. People are divided over JA, and people are using JA to divide anons that still can't decide one way or the other. Perhaps knowing/figuring that out, right now, isn't really all that important at all. CDAN/ENTY seems to be pretty spot on, and she did one on JA that's an interesting read. Let me put it to you this way:

Given that, allowing the entire planet to be completely riddled with fear over a virus that can kill the fuck out of people, perhaps part of the plan is to keep people second guessing every single little thing, all the time, 24/7. If it's working on everyone, then the only ones that know WTF to do, or what is right v wrong, are the patriots taking orders from one of the most insanely genius administrations of all time.


Not saying the good guys did this. I'm saying the good guys can take advantage of it, and control the narrative enough to get the job done. When this is all over, either:

  1. We get that huge, wake up, people finally learn to the truth of truths type of event; C before D(isclosure)(eclass).

  2. This whole thing blows over towards the end of the month, and we're pissed the MSM lied to us over a cure vs vaccine, and Bill Gates and all his pals are going to be allowed to still peddle their bullshit vaccines while much angst continues to build from the public, and anons are left wondering why the roundups haven't happened, yet.


I find it VERY interesting that @POTUS seems to be focusing on Jesus a lot lately. I personally have hit my knees in prayer more times in the past couple of weeks than I have in the past 8 years. It's a shameful thing to admit, but I'll just put it out there that I've been lost/disenfranchised with this world, the older I grow, because so much of it has squelched God to the point where belief was nearly impossible ("all the bad things in the world and pain " vs "Was free will ever really worth it?"). I believe I'm right with God, again, and that's what's tugging at the "think of the chidlren" feeling I keep having.


Think for a moment the timeline of events. This board has been absolutely struggling ever since it came back from hiatus. Thank you to Ron, Jim, (and others?) for all the hard work you all have put in to letting freedom of speech reign in at least this (now very large) corner of the www. Sometimes, you have to open 5,6,7 tabs of breads just to hit "New Reply" to get your response to post. This is no coincidence, nor is it a result of the Vanwatech DDOS protection software. It's because it's under constant attacks. Now, think about how much this place came to an absolute standstill as this theory of people getting rescued from underground came about.


"George" (@TheCollectiveQ) posted that pic some went nuts over, and then deleted the tweet. Now, that sort of pissed this anon off, but that's because I'm the type of person that hates a tease/suspense movie. That shit tweaks my anxiety, and makes me want to find the director, in real life, and kick 'em in the ass. Then I had to think for a sec just how important that might have actually been.


How many of you took a screenshot of that? How many of you saved that pic? How many of you used Twitter to retweet the ever living SHIT out of it? Is @TheCollectiveQ a disinfo source? Go take a look and decide for yourself:

Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.8702946   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Note that this resource is a ".news" site, and most everything else, on the web, that people get their "news" from is a ".com" (think major 6). Now, back to what Q said that this anon has been pondering for a while, and the obvious theories from Qanons that suspected something "deeper" has been going on, while black hats launched an attack on the entire globe:


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351447 📁

Feb 12 2018 11:50:26 (EST)


Anonymous ID: a4bb61 No.351343 📁

Feb 12 2018 11:44:06 (EST)

controlling the crops, controls the people (sheep)

(might be reaching, but throwing it out there)



>Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

>Sound familiar?

>Wonder where they derived that idea from.

I don't know, Q, where DID they get that idea? Also think about the tweets from Nunes and Grassley re: Crops (corn) ready to be harvested. Either we're the crops, outright, or we're part of that.

>Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.

OK, hit me, Q.

>Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

Deeper? Are we being figurative or literal, here?

>The end won't be for everyone.

You got that shit right. If the fantasy, sci-fi interpretations of humans slaves, and "others" being trapped in underground tunnels are even remotely true, then the end most definitely won't be for everyone.

>That choice, to know, will be yours.

So, basically what we're being told, here, is full disclosure of the truth, if any of that tunnel stuff is remotely true, is going to be left in the anons' hard drives of saved posts, and loosely strung together screenshots/theories.


Think about all the movies that talk about human/animal hybrids, and think about Q referencing movies, and anons drawing conclusions that movies are "soft disclosure" from the cabal. Q insinuating that these sick fucks get "inspiration" from what they really do, hidden from plain view (invisible enemy), and make movies based on those things we don't know about.


Now, just in case you don't understand why so many people are buying into this theory, let me remind of you something that Q posted:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9950b1 No.5553520 📁

Mar 7 2019 02:32:30 (EST)📁



Q posted that. Not anons, not Freddy, Not AFLB, not 8Bit, or FastJack, or Jim, or Ron, or me, or you reading this; Q posted that. Why? The craziest of crazy conspiracies about the Denver airport are posted on this page:

Many people believe that the largest underground bunker in the world lies beneath the Denver airport.

Many believe these murals hold a deeper meaning which can be gleaned by the initiated of the New World Order and Freemasons.

Rather than being demolished, the buildings were ordered to be buried, yes buried. The ‘underground bases’, as they are referred, are currently being used as “storage” according to airport authorities. This fact is not debated. We already know there is an underground structure beneath the airport. The real question is 'how deep the worm hole goes.


Now, either Q wanted us to watch the video linked at the bottom of the "article" with sexy women doing random shit, or there's a "deeper" meaning to the post that the public (may?) find out, soon. And just in case anon is hearing about the "George" tweet for the first time, here's the pic they uploaded.

Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.8703077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>to a level that few can understand,

Anons know (pic related).

>or the Virus is just plain beating them up. Fake News is bad for America!

Interesting statement.

Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.8703244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>You can find cloudy angels or people in the sky!

Thinking military/patriots doing what they do best.

>Resurrection flowers bloom in the blood of dedicated sacrifice!

Your donated blood has saved the "flowers".

>William walked the path of meditation on the battlefield with a peaceful mind.

We've won.

>Photo by William Moon on Palm Sunday 2020 at the Manassas National Battlefield Park.

The battlefield was here at home.


I am becoming absolutely convinced the virus was not the invisible enemy.

Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 8:15 a.m. No.8703272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3393


>Official IMHE Model for Coronavirus Used by CDC Just Cut Their Numbers by Half

Yeah, they kept alluding to "dispellng" the virus this week. @POTUS said, over a month ago, that he wanted people in Church for Easter. We'll see if that works, or not. I do know that many states are "remote learning" for school through the end of the year.


If they are going to dispell the virus, what's going to keep people in their homes from here on out? Why did the Surgeon General say this week was going to be our "Pearl Harbor"? Seems such a strange thing to say.


"In September 2018, Adams began a campaign along with other public health officials to promote seasonal flu vaccinations. The 2017 flu epidemic resulted in the deaths of an estimated 80,000 Americans, the highest number of deaths in at least four decades, according to CDC Director Robert Redfield. Of the 180 children who died, 80 percent were unvaccinated."

Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.8703363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3387



Watch what happens at the conferences. Pay close attention. @POTUS does NOT TELL A LIE. When you realize, however, that he is talking about something OTHER THAN what the doctors are talking about, your head is going to explode.


Watch how they take turns at the podium PAY ATTENTION. When @POTUS speaks, he's speaking TRUTH. When the doctors speak, they are speaking LIES. Think pic related:

Anonymous ID: 466493 April 6, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.8703385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHOA… I just had ANOTHER one hit me like a ton of bricks.

…you can even grab 'em by the pussy

…it's just locker room talk


Was @POTUS alluding to trafficking in professional sports locker rooms?!


What's the real reason for the banner up top?