Anonymous ID: 699f36 April 6, 2020, 7:29 a.m. No.8703020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3090

Questions for medical and science fags


Hahn the leader of FDA said they are releasing serum therapy to boost the immune system of people that have covid 19, the other day.


  1. Can serum therapy be used for other diseases that are hard to cure? I had C-Dif a couple of years ago, almost died from it. The only solution was either an antibiotic (which is odd, because I got it from the use of antibiotics) or fecal transplant. When being assessed if this would work, the doctors recommended it for me, but there was a huge disclaimer on the forms saying, they cannot guarantee that getting this solution, wouldn’t transmit other defective Genes that the donor may have. This freaked me out because a person could also get genes from the donor, but the medical professionals wouldn’t know for years.

  2. Is serum different than a fecal transplant or any other kind of transplant?

  3. How do they know their only transferring the immune cells with serum?

  4. Is it even possible to narrow down serum to only include the immunoglobulin or are other genes transfused.

  5. If they are able to create immunity for this and others diseases, would it work for C-Dif which is an antibiotic resistant bacteria? Is it possible to just use serum and not someone’s fecal matter?


I know a gross question and procedure, never went through with it. I happened to come across a homeopathic and supplement L-Glutamine, probiotics and a few other immune boosters that knocked it out after struggling for close to two years.

Anonymous ID: 699f36 April 6, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.8703335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3373 >>3383

Here we go again, fug the EU!


Let Them Eat Crickets! EU to Approve Bugs for Human Consumption


The European Union will soon permit the sale of locusts, crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms as food across the continent.


The European Food Safety Authority is expected to announce the ruling within the next few weeks, granting bugs a “novel food” classification that would allow the mass production of bug-based food items by autumn.


“These have a good chance of being given the green light in the coming few weeks,” the secretary-general of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, Christophe Derrien, told The Guardian.


“We reckon these authorisations will be a breakthrough for the sector so we are looking for those authorisations quite impatiently. They are taking the necessary time, they are very demanding on information, which is not bad. But we believe that once we have the first novel food given a green light from EFSA that will have a snowball effect,” Derrien added.


In 1997, the EU passed a law requiring a “novel food” classification for products that did not have a history of being consumed as food by Europeans.


The United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands all decided that the law did not apply to animals and therefore continued to permit the sale of bugs as food. Countries like France, Spain, and Italy decided to ban the sale of insects as food as a result of the law.


The eating of insects has long been touted by climate change activists as a possible replacement for meat, which they claim negatively impacts the environment. However, eating bugs has remained a niche practice in the West.


Industry experts hope that the loosening of restrictions will open up market opportunities for the edible insect business, with companies in Spain, France and Switzerland ramping up production.


“We are expecting the next few years will be very interesting ones and obviously the novel food authorisations will definitely help,” Derrien said.


“The sort of foods ranges from whole insects as an aperitif or as snacks to processed insects in bars or pasta or burgers made out of insects,” he added.


“We believe that insects for food is one solution for some of the biggest challenges we are facing on the planet. In the context of scarce resources, and insect production is not too demanding, you have the capacity to produce high-quality protein. That is a very promising solution,” Derrien concluded

Anonymous ID: 699f36 April 6, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.8703374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Lindell: ‘I Think We’re in the Greatest Revival in History


God Wins


I think we’re in the greatest revival in history,” said MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, describing adversity as an opportunity for spiritual development. He offered his remarks in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.


Pollak recalled Lindell’s call for Americans to spend time with families during the coronavirus outbreak. “I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word, read our Bibles, and spend time with our families,” said Lindell last week at the White House among other company CEOs attending a meeting regarding production of medical supplies.


Lindell said, “I wanted to write a message of hope to the people, not just what our companies are doing to help out. … I give the glory to God.” He explained he was only informed his remarks would be publicly broadcast moments before he delivered them.


Lindell added, “I was attacked by every host out there on the left, and and I don’t know why. I don’t understand it. I didn’t say you have to. I said this is a good time to spend time in the Word, with our bibles, get our country back to prayer, and to spend time with their families. … It just tells me that I’m absolutely giving the right message out there, because millions of people have backed me on that.”


Left-wing hostility to his White House remarks “got the message out even more,” estimated Lindell, “because I think we’re in the greatest revival in history, because people are looking for hope.”


Lindell recalled instances where he was directed to hide his cross during infomercial presentations by various producers.


“I was attacked all the time for that, and it went on for years,” Lindell stated. “It’s almost like a prejudice against Christians, like if it was anybody else in another religion, it just seems like they don’t get attacked like Christianity does, but anyway, that’s just my opinion. I see it happening all the time. I personally have experienced it, and more than once.”


“I don’t think it was people on the left,” Lindell added. “It was the the narrative of the left-wing media, and I could name them all.”


Hardship can open doors for spiritual growth, determined Lindell, reflecting on his own experience with drug addiction.


Lindell reflected, “I view addiction as an opportunity for the greatest revival, because who’s looking for hope? Addicts and their families, and then along came this pandemic. Who’s looking for hope? There’s people at home, and they’re in fear.”


“With God, all things are possible,” remarked Lindell, describing the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to restore American medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing and lessen dependency on China.


Lindell concluded, “We’re in a place we’ve never been before People are scared and they need hope, and I’m telling you there’s no better place to find hope than in the Bible and with your families. Spend that time and spend that time in prayer.”