So…I believe I have come up with the way China should be dealt with for causing the SARS-CoV-2 to spread and cause death around the world by the spread of the disease now identified as corona virus identified in 2019 or the term being pushed to focus on the disease rather than the virus that caused the disease which is murdering people around the world…that came from and was released in, CHINA.
5 million in gold for every death, 1 million in gold for every person who was infected but survived…GLOBALLY!
China must pay for every death! China must pay for every injury! China must also pay for every bankruptcy their Made-in-China-and-Released-in-Wuhan disease has caused, every suicide it caused as people's lives were damaged beyond their ability to manage the damage. The funds needed for this can be deducted from the money owed to China by the rothschild's federal reserve and distributed rather than waiting decades for the international courts to agree with the idea - just do it and then if China wants they can take the rothschild's federal reserve - or what will be left of it in a few weeks - and part or all of the trillion dollar plus debt the rothschild's federal reserve owes to China can be expropriated by the US Treasury and distributed to Americans.
But to be fair, all funds should be stripped from the bank accounts of every demonrat politician who has been fighting against resolution of the problem; all monies and property stripped from politicians supporting China or even advocating that it wasn't China's fault.
All funds and property should be stripped from all of the globalist propaganda media meat puppets who promoted China over America; who demanded more people die while an effective and inexpensive - 20 bucks to save a life is what is pissing the globalist's off about the CAV treatment - treatment is proven and available and from every travelling meat puppet who has been downplaying any solution or return to 'normal' made by the administration, all monies and property should be stripped from any delusional-as-to-their-relevance court-jester that has advocated President Trump be removed from office, killed, his family destroyed, his businesses be damaged, or who has downplayed the CAV treatment and ultimately causing death to many.
All those funds - obtained from the demonrats and the rest of the pond scum in America - can be immediately given to all, all the property of the pond scum can be sold and the returns invested in America and the demonrats, the pond scum, the meat puppets…can wander the streets of LA or San Fran looking for handouts from passers-by.
What? Too harsh? Too soon?