Anonymous ID: 20afc7 April 6, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.8703905   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We have received numerous complaints that the Earth 2020 Update has caused extensive problems to many users, not the least of these being an unexpected Covid 19.0 virus exploit. We take the satisfaction of our users very seriously and are taking steps to fix the issue.


Engineers have determined that since the critical update Trump 1.0 installed 2017, local users installed Russian Collusion 1.x (numerous times) and Ukraine Hoax 1.0 to the system. These updates were not on the approved compatibility list, and they caused great damage to both the USA application and the Constitution operating system. When rogue operators attempted to run Sham Impeachment 5.0, it caused many system panics, including the aforementioned Covid 19.0 exploit vulnerability. It also unleashed the long outdated "Dr. Fauci" applet.


Our team is working to install a new update of Justice 17.0 which should quickly remove the rogue elements causing the instability. The Covid 19.0 infestation will then disappear over time. We are working on a "whole system" upgrade patch, Trump 2.0, slated to be installed later this year. We are confident that this will be the final update required to stabilize not only the USA application but the World 1.0 distributed network platform.


We do apologize for any inconvenience. Please do not install dangerous unapproved updates in the future without checking with us first.


P.S. during this process you may note the removal of the Deep State and China applications. This is by design.