29 Posts = Asshole Shill
fuck your retarded… you realize that Polio is not around today right? If it originated from within people would still be getting it.
Holy fuck are you retarded… polio was eradicated by vaccines. That is why we are not seeing it today. But since you appear to be in need of a good education… look up the Dengue or Malaria. Both which still exist today and kill millions. Neither originate from within you fucking tard shill.
lol… the only thing that is being spread is your stupidity. Answer the fucking question in regards to the Dengue and Malaria you idiot.
"Viruses come from within and are not transmitted between humans"
ID# 9a7939 is flooding this Bread with this shit.
Mark my words… this is the next kind of flat earth shilling we are going to have to deal with here on the board. Flood the board with this bullshit and then watch the MSM beat us over the head with it during this pandemic.
yeah water and plumbing… ok there you fucking tard. It just happened to accidentally spread around the world to places where they don't even have fucking plumbing or water treatment.
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