Anonymous ID: ca3d79 April 6, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.8703753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3957 >>3997 >>4014 >>4081


LARRY FINK/BLACKROCK was supposed to head Hillary's Treasury Dept. now has control of ours?


BlackRock has become the world’s preeminent investment management corporation under the stewardship of its founder Larry Fink. Fink has exploited his Washington D.C. connections throughout his career, and he has particularly strong ties with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Fink was expected to lead her Treasury Department if Clinton defeated President Donald Trump in 2016. With Washington D.C. in his back pocket, Fink has been able to dominate Wall Street despite no apparent expertise or even basic competency.


“His economic empire is less a result of his economic skills and competitiveness and more a result of his political connections and trillion-dollar state contracts,” wrote sociologist and geopolitical scholar James Petras about Fink’s career.

“Fink’s most famous financial product, mortgage-based securities led to the biggest collapse in world financial markets since the Great Depression,” Petras added.

BlackRock has grown into the world’s most powerful firm because of Fink’s success in peddling influence with politicians in the Washington D.C. swamp. They capitalized during the last economic crisis, benefiting mightily from sweetheart deals orchestrated under former President Barack Hussein Obama. While corporations were going under left and right in the 2008 economic crash, BlackRock was cleaning up and consolidating power..(see article for more).


Did we dig on Larry yet?


This is the MEMO Fink sent to his Employees on his commitment to GLOBALISM


To: All employees


Dear colleagues,


For most of the last half century, the trend of globalization has moved almost exclusively in one direction: forward. Fueled by the transformative power of technology, the flow of people, goods, and capital accelerated across international borders. Nations grew closer together. The world became more intertwined and interdependent.


Today, however, globalization is in retreat. The backlash against globalization that began in the Middle East, then spread to Europe, has now taken firm root in the U.S. While globalization has fueled economic growth and lifted millions out of poverty, it has also created dislocation and distributed benefits unevenly. As a result, economic nationalism is rising in many countries. The security and trade architecture that has governed recent decades is being redefined, and we are likely to see a fragmentation of global trade and capital flows as a result.At this time of profound change, I think it is important for us as a firm to recommit ourselves to certain core principles.

First, we must rededicate ourselves to operating as a truly global company. Since our founding 29 years ago, BlackRock has sought to engage with and embrace talent and clients from cultures in all corners of the world. We will not retreat from that commitment.

I have frequently talked about the need to be local in every market where we operate. The current environment makes that more urgent than ever. While we need to operate as One BlackRock across the globe, we also need to be German in Germany, Japanese in Japan and Mexican in Mexico. Even as we leverage the benefits of our global scale, we need to work to be more relevant to our clients in each market than any local player….(see article for more)