maybe here
never buy HP. NEVER. Carly Fiorina ruined them.
Non standard parts, crappy drivers
Dell maybe, or get a local MAGA shop to build you a desktop.
surprise surprise surprise
>This was a bioweapons chimera knitted HIV and Malaria virus with an ancient virus.
sauce? even just a taste?
>>8703596 How COVID-19 works: Archive of 404'd Medium article
help with a better notable description? it's all the info about ventilators, Fe2+ Fe3+ and oxygen transport we got yesterday, REALLY WELL WRITTEN thank you author
I remember the excitement when they opened up the first indoor shopping mall in my podunk hometown.
3M et al seem to have built a wondrous … wonderland infrastructure with our missing trillions that we can now use for peaceful purposes. some exorcism and cleaning required.
there is no Hell, so they had to build one.
at what point does it become mathematically impossible (how does that crumb go?)
long term use or overdose would lead to same symptoms.
yeah. if they have it sequenced well enough to know the surface chemistry interactions of the virus and the red blood cell, seems like they'd know the exact transmissibility. If it were blood-borne only, yes there's a virus and no you can't get it unless you're in the vampire network that we spiked.