Anonymous ID: 6576ee April 6, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.8705091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CHINA VIRUS DRAMA as AMA President weighs in against POTUS AND Hydroxychloroquine



FIERY update from Dr. Steve Pieczenik - OPUS 212 Trump Leads thru Crisis! KAG


Summary - rips so-called scientists and doctors who are refuting POTUS’s actions (CDC, FDA, HHS mentioned in past talks and gets into recent AMA criticism)


minutes below


POTUS has the right and can have and share whatever opinion he has on Hydroxychloroquine - Steve himself had the china virus in January and his pneumonia was cured with Azithromycin alone


New group identified/targeted - the AMA which is run by Dr Patricia Harris (1st African-American to head the AMA)


Side note - Steve, being a doctor, never was a member of the AMA as he deems it a corrosive and corrupt institution that has no basis in science


Dr Patricia Harris arrogantly calls out POTUS and says he doesn’t know what he’s doing - yet POTUS does know what he’s doing and is doing good things


Harris is a board certified in psychiatry (not a science but an art) and would have failed his questions if he was her board examiner


He would ask…Tell me about how opioids work?

Tell me how people get addicted?

Why is that you created an opioid crisis where 400,000 people died thanks to oxycontin, the Sackler family and Purdue pharmaceuticals and 2,000,000 millions addicts were created?

Steve doesn’t think Harris could answer that and he would have busted her


He thanks doctors that have used these medicines (hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin or cipro) and notes that a clinician's work is an art, NOT a science


Potus, his family, and his team are working hard (24/7) and busting their ass to solve the problems we’re facing - more than he can say for the Clintons, Bush jr, and Obama who raped our administration and did nothing


Eventually we will have the cure, an anti-flu vaccine from Japan (Fujiama) called Avigan that will target the flu, ebola virus, and the coronavirus - WORKS…it was tried in Wuhan and it works. BUT, we don’t have time right now to wait a year or two years.


Steve thinks POTUS is correct to say that NOW is the time to try all the drugs that we think might work


CLUE - Steve brings up that we still don’t know how Aspirin works and if Aspirin has never had a controlled study we would NOT have had Aspirin 


BTW the annual flu vaccine is worthless - created by the CDC 


LET’S give POTUS some recognition and let’s SUPPORT him, Kushner, and Mnuchin ( who is doing great work for other doctors like dentists who can’t work now)


Remember AMERICA is a great country and POTUS has said MAGA and that’s what he’s going to do and that’s what he believes in.


SO, leave him alone and mind your own business!




AMA President’s Response to Trump Asking ‘What Do You Have to Lose?’ From Unproven Drug: ‘You Could Lose Your Life’ (CNN Video Interview embedded)

Harris worked…protecting children from abuse and neglect with Child Protective Services


Harris has been active on a number of task forces, including acting as chair of the AMA Opioid Task Force, which was launched in 2014 to identify best practices to combat the opioid epidemic


NHK Article - China: Avigan effective in tackling coronavirus


Dr Patricia Harris has been called out and is very DIG worthy, what do anons think?